General News
With the first week of school in the rearview mirror, we can thank our heavenly Father for his care over the past week. The school theme this year speaks about “working heartily”. This is a particular blessing that we can do so knowing that our inheritance is in heaven and that we are working for our redeemer, Jesus Christ. The full theme text is “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, … You are serving the Lord Christ. (Col 3:23, 24b)
We remember the Breukelman family and the DeSchiffart family who are morning the loss Jake DeSchiffart. We know that we can cling to our Father who will “strengthen and uphold you”(Isaiah 41:10) We pray that you are encouraged and comforted during this time.
There are a few items for this week’s Chronicle that should be mentioned. Tuesday is Picture Day, not pajama day, and so we look forward to seeing some dapper students for this event.
The Community Care Fall food drive is coming up. We will be collecting non-perishable items for the next number of weeks. You can send these items off to school with your children or drop them off in person.
Soccer and Cross-Country run practices have begun signaling a return to regular school activities. The soccer tournament will be here in Smithville on October 1st. While the cross country run will be in Dundas Valley on October 7th. Grade 7/8 parents can ask their child(ren) for more details.
On Thursday we heard of the death of our Queen, Elizabeth II. We give thanks for the long reign that God has blessed her with. May God sustain and uphold the commonwealth as preparations are made for her burial. It is at this time that we pray for our new king, Charles III. We realize that all strength and authority come from God and we pray that God will uphold him and use him for the glory of his kingdom.
I believe that is all for this upcoming week. JVI
Calendar of Events
Sept 13 – Ed Comm Meeting
Sept 15 – Early Years Morning
Sept 19 – 30 Community Care Fall Food Drive
Oct 1 – Soccer Tournament
Classroom News
What a whirlwind of a week in kindergarten. So many new routines to learn and so many new friends to make. By the end of the week, the students and teachers alike were yawning! Hopefully this weekend is filled with much rest and relaxation. We have made much progress in learning the school theme this year. The students are memorizing Colossians 3:23, 24b. Ask them to show you the actions they have learned to help with the memorization. In Bible we spent the week learning all about the days of creation! We learned that God is so powerful that He can just speak and things appear. How great is our God! Here’s the plan for next week:
Monday: regular KA day
Tuesday: Picture day. Parents of KA students please bring your child to the school for pictures at 8:00am. The photographer will begin taking the class photos and individual shots at 8:15. Please meet Mrs Visser at the office doors and she will let you into the gym.
Wednesday: Our first combined day – both KA and KB day
Thursday: regular KA day, mission money
Friday: regular KB day, mission money
Have a relaxing and restful weekend everyone. JB/SV
Grade 1
Greetings from Grade 1! We had a busy first week of trying to get familiar with school and all the different routines. We will keep practicing and hope to get better everyday. We have started with all the different subjects, which makes for a full day. The students are tired and have worked hard! Library will begin this coming week. Both classes will have it on Monday afternoons. Picture day is also happening this week. Be sure to bring those smiles!
Memory work for Friday Sept 16: Hymn 10:1; Colossians 3:23&24b
Have a blessed weekend everyone!
Miss Vanderveen and Mrs. VanGoolen
Grade 2
Week One has come to an end and we must say that it has been very enjoyable indeed! We’ve settled into new routines and are getting to know one another. It’s always such an amazing blessing to see the many different little personalities in one room. God is creative indeed! Thank you for sending in the Getting to Know You forms. If you haven’t returned one for your child yet, we’ll still gladly welcome them! As parents, you are able to provide us with some good insights. Keep an eye out for a letter explaining the ‘math facts program’. Your child will soon be coming home with a ziploc bag that has the first few facts. That’s all for now! Have a blessed weekend! BV/RG
Grade 3
“Whatever you do, work heartily,as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24b. This will be our school theme text for the year. May the Lord bless the work of our hands and may He be glorified! Our new principal, Mr. VanIperen explained this to us in the assembly. Ask your child what it doesn’t mean. It was so good to be back at JCS. What a beautiful week we had. So many stories were shared and enjoyed by all. The joy and enthusiasm was tangible. A special welcome was given to Oliver Rozema in grade 3A. We pray that he will soon feel at home here. A BIG thank you to the building committee for installing air conditioning systems in our classrooms! What a beautiful gift!!! In our Bible classes, we could hear how the Lord made the heavens and the earth and it was good. Social Studies, is all about pioneers! Ask your child about the better life the settlers had in Canada. Our condolences to Jasmine Breukelman with the passing away of her uncle Jake. May the God of all comfort strengthen you all in the days, months, and years to come.
Memory Work: Hymn 63:4
Text: Colossians 3:23-34b
Spelling Words: said, people, off, into, have
Memory Work, Spelling Dictation, and Mission $ on Friday.
Grade 4
Welcome to a new school year! It has been a pleasure to meet everyone over the course of this week and we look forward to working together throughout the school year. We have had some requests regarding recorders. We plan to introduce the recorder late October – early November. Recorders can be purchased through the office if you need one. On Tuesday, Sept. 13, Grade 4A will be having a Bible quiz about Samuel and Saul.
Spelling Words: then, else, hid, miss, dress, mass, bath, stick, had, sent, plants, autumn, apple, rich. Spelling Test on Fri., Sept. 16.
Memory Work: Psalm 122: 1 / Colossians 3: 23, 24b
Upcoming Memory Work: Psalm 66: 1
Grade 5
It’s wonderful to be back in school again! We had a great week in Grade 5, and we are really looking forward to the rest of the year. Please remember to order Phys. Ed. clothes and a recorder for your son or daughter if he/she does not have those yet. Picture Day is scheduled for next Tuesday. Get those smiles ready! We will be starting student-led devotions next week. Parents of students in Grade 5B, please help your child prepare theirs when it is their turn. At the very least, please look it over when they’re finished and sign it before they bring it to school. The lists for next week are as follows:
5A – M. Eliza, Tu. Hannah, W. Isaac, Th. Jayce, F. Judah
5B – M. John, Tu. Zachary, W. Zion, Th. Addison, F. Claire
Have a great weekend and a blessed Sunday. RK/KV
Grade 6
We have enjoyed our first week back to school. Many topics have been started in Math- place value, Language Arts- poems that show different perspectives, Church History- how the LORD preserved His church during the years 300-500 A.D., and Science- discussing technology and engineers. We even practised being engineers and tried to come up with a solution to Harry’s problem. We have started a lot of things in just 4 short days! Have a blessed weekend. TB/CVA
Grade 7
What a blessing to once again work heartily at a truly unique workplace such as JCS. This past week we settled into routines and acclimatized ourselves to the expectations of Gr. 7; be sure to ask your child how it went. Items needing our attention will be soccer and cross country tryouts/practices, food drive donations, as well as deciding on an Independent Study topic. Enjoy your weekend.
Grade 8
And they’re off! Just like that week 1 has commenced and concluded. It was great to get settled in and reacquainted with the students again. New challenges and new goals lie ahead and we are eager to work heartily for the Lord. Introductions to the Intertestamentary period, human geography and the push to nationhood have been made in Bible History, Geography, and History. Have a blessed weekend. Cheers, Mrs. Ludwig and Mr. J