General News
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,… You are serving the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23, 24b
We are already entering into the last full week of October. Wow! God has blessed us with some beautiful weeks of learning at the school. It is good to reflect on his goodness in allowing us to raise our children in an environment where we have a focus and a desire to serve Him. God has blessed parents and teachers, as fellow members of the covenant, with the beautiful task of sharing God’s glory in all aspects of life – whether we are speaking about creation, the marvelous world of words, order in numbers, or how to make music on an instrument.
I’m grateful to report that the strong smell of vegetables that was prevalent in this area of the school had hearty results. Many veggie packs and jelly jars were made ready. $9765 was raised as a grade 8 fundraiser. Congratulations to the grade 8 teams and parent volunteer/coordinators for putting this together. We also thank the Niagara Christian Gleaners for the use of their facilities to dice the veggies.
This coming week we will celebrate two birthdays. On Tuesday, we congratulate Mrs. Van Goolen on her birthday. I am sure she and the grade 1A class will celebrate in good fashion. We also congratulate one of our EAs, Mrs. Spoelstra on her birthday on Thursday. I am sure you will have a delightful day working and celebrating with the students you help. We wish both staff members God’s blessings in the upcoming year.
As you are reading this the school is being transformed for Fall Fest! Much work has been done in getting ready for this event. What a blessing that after a few years of not having this event this fashion we can once gather together and celebrate together! We pray for God’s blessings over this event as well.
For those wondering about the Golden Horseshoe race results. You can find them here.
I believe that is all for this week. May we be refreshed by the preaching of His Word this weekend!
Classroom News
Grade 1
Happy Friday everyone! We had another great week together. We had the opportunity to visit the Niagara Safety Village on Thursday morning, which the students enjoyed. A huge thank-you to Mrs. Stieva for driving us! Some parts were a little “real” which was a little scary for some of us. We learned were reminded again of the importance of smoke detectors and remembering to get low and crawl under the smoke. We’re grateful for the police, fire and paramedics and the work they do each day to help keep us safe. This coming week we will be continuing to hear more about Joseph and how the Lord uses his situation to work out His plan for the people of Israel.
Things to practice:
Memory Work: Psalm 24: 1; The Sons of Jacob
Spelling words: are, for, he, on, was
Have a blessed weekend everyone!
Grade 2
This week, we finished our Science unit on bones and muscles. We are looking forward to our new unit called Liquids and Solids! We have continued with our Bible unit on Jesus’ ministry. This week, we heard stories on Jesus’ first parables. The students are learning that parables are earthly stories that have heavenly meanings! Grade 2B is excited to welcome Miss Overduin from Covenant Teachers College to our classroom for the next three weeks! We hope and pray she has a great first practicum with us! Have a great weekend we hope to see many of you at the Fall Fest tomorrow! RG/BV
Grade 3
Tomorrow is the long awaited day! FALL FEST! We are looking forward to seeing you all there at some point in time. May the LORD bless all the efforts of the committee and volunteers. We’re so thankful for all of you. In our Bible classes, we continue to hear how God keeps His promises to Abraham and Sarah. He is our faithful covenant God. Our condolences to Lia Haining and her family with the loss of a dear grandmother. May the Lord grant comfort and strength. Who is Sarah? Who is Jacob? Who is Anna? Who is Caleb? Ask us to give some character traits. Just a reminder to study your words and memory work every day girls and boys. This too is working heartily for the Lord. Looking forward to our pioneer trips. 3A goes on Tuesday and 3B on Wednesday. Can’t wait to see you all dressed up as pioneers!
Hymn 52:1; Text: Genesis 12:1-3
Words: pretty, prettier, prettiest, schools, was
Gym on Monday and Wednesday.
Library books in LIBRARY BAG on Thursday.
Spelling Dictation, Memory Work, and Mission $ on Thursday.
Grade 4
What a beautiful week preparing for the business of Fall Fest tomorrow. Grade 4 had a week busy with assessments. We have finished our Science units on Light and Sound and are moving on to Social Studies, where we will study Canada and its provinces and territories. Both classes are hard at work on their Remembrance Day posters. Grade 4B will be having a vocabulary quiz on Theme 1 on Wednesday, and Grade 4A will be having a vocabulary quiz on Chapters 1-4 in Owls in the Family on Tuesday. Grade 4B will have a French quiz on Thursday on the topic “people”, while Grade 4A will be reviewing numbers, colours, and weather next week. Have a blessed and exciting weekend! MVA & KO
Memory Work: Text: Psalm 100:1-3 and Hymn 60:1,4
Spelling Words: rode, cabin, sail, throat, camp, rope, said, know, boats, blow, alone, float, own, closed
Grade 5
Although last week was incredibly fun, it was also nice to be able to settle down and have a bit more of a “normal” week this week. We had a change of plans for Social Studies; instead of doing the building project next, as we had said in last week’s Chronicle, we are first studying the Punic Wars. Grade 5B parents can ask their children about what those were! We will complete a class poster-size “booklet” together, which we will hang up in the hallway upon completion. After that, we will do our building project. We have begun Theme 2 in World of Literature, which is entitled “North American Voices”. In this theme, we are studying the different kinds of people that make up North America. We have started Unit 2 in Bible class, where we are studying the first part of Jesus’ ministry.
Devotions for next week are as follows:
5A – M. Avery, Tu. Caleb, W. Camryn, Th. Cooper
5B – M. Quinten, Tu. Elyse, W. Leena, Th. Thomas
We look forward to seeing many of you at Fall Fest tomorrow! Have a great weekend! RK/KV
Grade 6
We come to the end of another week in Grade 6! It was nice to have a complete week in the classroom, with the finale on Friday with Fallfest preparations! Thank you very much to the Fallfest Committee as they have put a ton of work into getting this event in order to fundraise money to help purchase extra materials for the teaching of your covenant children! Next week, we begin a couple of new units. We begin our unit in Social Studies of Canada and our Trading Partners and in Language Arts we begin our first novel study on “Number the Stars”. Enjoy the beautiful weather outside this weekend and look forward to seeing everyone back next week!
Grade 7
This past week we practiced how to speak under pressure and, “on our feet” using impromptu speeches or, “Table Topics”. We will be introduced to everyday life in New France in our next History chapter. In Bible History we see the foreshadowing of Jesus Christ in the life of David; “there is only a step between me and death”, and, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” In Science we have tested our stable tables and moved on to our next chapter, “Stability and Centre of Gravity” with a field trip planned at the end. Enjoy your weekend.
Grade 8
It was good to have a full, ‘normal’ week in Gr.8. Today was interrupted with Fall Fest preparations but it was also a great opportunity for service. Speaking of service, several Gr.8s were involved with the LRD this week baking for the Fall Fest fundraiser. Great job! Next week we look forward to meeting with the parents to discuss our annual Graduation trip. Have a blessed weekend! Cheers, Mr.J and Mrs. Ludwig
Geography Test – Tuesday