Volume 25, Number 03, September 22, 2023

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General News

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour…, Luke 1:46b-47

We are nearing the end of September and will welcome Fall tomorrow morning.  Students and staff are well settled into the school year and it is good to see and hear about the progress that students are making. 

The cross-country runners hope to meet at Southward Park tomorrow morning (Saturday) at 8:00 a.m. for a run.  We are excited to see you there.  If you are a parent and would like to join us in a fun run, you are more than welcome.

The Greijdanus Choir will perform at JCCS on Tuesday morning at around 8:30 in the gymnasium.  If you would like to join us you are more than welcome.

We welcome the first of our Early Years Mornings on Thursday, September 28th.   These mornings are great for parents with preschool children to get acquainted with the school and other parents.  What a blessing.   These events run from 9:30 – 11:30.

On Saturday soccer teams from our schools across the province will join together at Southward Park for the annual Soccer Tournament.   We are thrilled to have all the games in one location this year.  This is due to the fact that Southward Park has 5 soccer fields.  If you have some time on Saturday you are more than welcome to cheer on our teams.  There will be a concession stand as well should you want to support our grade 8 trip fundraiser.

On the topic of grade 8 trip fundraisers, please send your soup veggie orders to the office or contact one of the ladies listed on the order form.

I hope to be away this week at the National Principals Conference which is being held in B.C. this year.  These events happen biennially and this time will be held on the west coast.   These events give a good opportunity to learn, network, and build relationships between principals across the country.

I believe that is all for the week.  May God bless the work being done here at JCCS. JVI

This week:

Monday -Soccer Practice After School

Tuesday – Greijdanus Choir

Thursday – Soccer Practice After School, Early Years Morning

Friday – Mrs. Gansekoele’s Birthday

Saturday – Soccer Tournament – Southward Park

Classroom News


What an exciting and fun week in kindergarten filled with many firsts once again. First picture day, first class photo taken, first fire drill practice, first show and tells, first science experiment and so much more! The students were so well behaved for both the class pictures and the fire drill. Well done both kindergarten classes! In Bible the students learned the story of Noah and the rainbow. If you follow the JCCS Instagram you will have noticed a beautiful picture of a rainbow over the JCCS school building. How amazing that some of the students had just learned about the meaning of the rainbow and later that evening, they were reminded of the promises of heavenly Father! In math we continued to learn all about sorting and next week we will be learning all about patterns, which is one of my favourite units in Math! Here’s a look at next week:

Monday – SH: Josh

Tuesday – SH: Logan KB

Wednesday – combined day, library

Thursday – SH: Serayah

Friday – Kinsley

Have a great weekend everyone. JB

Grade 1

This week we’ve learned about Abram having been told to leave his family and go to the land God would show him. Abram had to trust God. His plans are always right. We continue to review our letters and their sounds in class. We learned about firefighters, how to stop, drop, and roll, and how to prevent fires from happening. When calling 911 the students are to know their address and phone number. Please practise these at home with your child. Next Friday, we hope to go to the Safety Village in the morning. Please pack a simple morning snack for your child that day.  It will be very exciting to learn more about safety.  Every Monday is library day. Remember to place the books in a plastic bag or in the bag provided. Thank you for your help. The children have been coming to school very tired on Mondays. It sure is difficult to get back into school routines. Please keep this in mind when planning your weekends.😊

Grade 2

Another week has flown by! In Bible we have heard the stories about Jesus’ baptism, the calling of the first disciples, and His first miracle! In Science we’ve learned about the different types of joints in our body! Ask your child to point them out to you. This week we’ve noticed that the weather is getting cooler and autumn is coming! Please dress in layers, sometimes the classroom is still warm but it’s cool outside. Have a great weekend and a blessed Sunday! MB & BV

Grade 3

Hello parents. You can ask your child about naming numbers up to hundred thousands, early settler life, or soft and hard ‘g’ and ‘c’ and they should be able to share what they’ve learned this past week. We remind you that all student pick ups and drop offs need to happen at the office doors. We cannot allow coming and going during the middle of the day to happen at the doors closest to our classrooms, as these are not monitored throughout the day. Don’t forget, you may use the traffic circle for this purpose. Looking into next week, we officially enter the fall season. In all seasons, God’s faithfulness abounds.

Spelling words for Friday: people, have, getting, was

Memory work: Psalm 50: 1 and Old Testament books of the Bible

Grade 4

It’s been another busy week in Grade 4, finishing up some of our units and preparing for our first tests. There will be a Bible test, Math test, and an oral French quiz this coming week. We are finishing up our first reading unit on friends and family. It has been neat to learn about different relationships in our lives. Students have started learning to type in computers class, but their Typing Club login is for school use only. As the days are getting chillier, please make sure your child has a jacket or sweater to wear, especially in the morning. Grade 4 has Phys. Ed class on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for class (no skirts or dresses please!)  Don’t forget about Food Drive donations! Grade 4 was responsible for designing and creating posters.  Greatwork!

Mrs. VA & Mrs. T
Monday: French quiz #1-20 (4B)
Tuesday: Bible Unit 1 Test (4A +4B); Math Unit 1 Test (4A)
Wednesday: Math Unit 1 Test (4B)
Thursday: Library
Friday: Spelling Test; Hymn 25:1  Text: Psalm 32:1-2; Bring mission money
Spelling Words: ltea, cars, need, ocean, whale, net, clear, watch, deep, feel, hear, chest, sea, free

Grade 5

This past week, 5A wrote their first Bible quiz, and will now continue with the second half of Unit One – The Birth and Early Ministry of Jesus Christ. Both 5A and 5B have been practicing soccer skills, as well as training themselves to run longer distances in Phys. Ed. This past Thursday, the entire class ran two kilometres! For some, this was their first time running such a distance. Congratulations! Those practicing for cross country have been faithfully training during their lunch hours. Keep up the great work! Devotions for the week are as follows: 5A Joey(M), Nadia(Tu), Logan(W), Seth(Th), Ashley(F). 5B Oden(M), Jaelyn(Tu), Quinn(W), Jodine(Th), Amryn(F). Enjoy your weekend! RK/KVL  

Grade 6

Another week of beautiful weather was enjoyed by teachers and students. The students are busy with working on their first art project, an all about me t-shirt. We have learned about Pope Gregory and the good things he did,as well as the bad. He also did not want to be called Pope. Ask the students what he wanted to be called. After reading about self-driving cars, the students wrote a paragraph stating their reasons for having or not having these cars in Canada. The students are encouraged to bring in their chocolate bar money as soon as possible. Food drive donations are still being collected for the next two weeks. Have a blessed weekend. TB/CVA

Grade 7A

This past week the class was introduced to several new concepts in Science, mass, efficiency, forces, and structural efficiency (SE). When comparing the mass of a structure and the load it supports, we marvelled not only at the SE of Olympic athletes but also at what God the Father the Creator has given us with the SE of the rhinoceros beetle. We will bring our Math study of number sense to a close next week and turn our attention to number theory, primes, composites, factors and multiples. We have worked with topographic maps in Geography and move next to how we are changing rivers and oceans. With the advent of the new catechism season, please note that we are taking the time to recite each congregation’s catechism memory work every day, three times a day; “Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.” ― Zig Ziglar Enjoy your weekend.

Grade 7B

This week 7B got their first taste of Grade 7 tests and quizzes. Teachers noted that there were several students who went home with no study material whatsoever. Perhaps there will be some hard lessons learned there. On the flip side there were several who found themselves loaded down with work. Nearly all of the assigned work and assessments this week were posted well in advance. Seems as if some time management lessons can be found here as well. Nevertheless a few more quizzes are coming our way next week (History and Geography). Have a blessed weekend, on behalf of the 7B teachers, Mr. J

Grade 8

This upcoming week, we have several tests, quizzes and a major writing assignment due! Please ensure that your child is keeping on top of things.  Wednesday, we have a Literature test and a Chapter 1 math test, along with a short French quiz. Thursday, we have a spelling test. Friday, grade 8 has a personal essay due to be submitted by the end of the day. 

Have a blessed week! RT, AL

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