**taken from Parent Handbook Part 2**
Six times a year, our school bulletin, John Calvin News and Views, is sent via the churches to the members of the school society. Contributions by staff and board members keep parents and other society members informed about school-related matters. Students contribute stories, poems, and artwork to this magazine. In August of each year, we publish a special Information Edition of News and Views. This edition contains information about bus routes, various school committees and their members, and whatever else is relevant for the new school year. Also, every week throughout the school year, the Chronicle is emailed out on Fridays. This weekly is meant primarily for parents and students to keep them up to date with events and requirements in terms of memory work assignments, up-coming tests and quizzes, and anything of interest/significance as it arises week by week. Paper copies are made available in some of the churches of the supporting community so that members not having children in the school can keep up with weekly events as well if they so choose.
Both the News and Views and the Chronicle are available on the school’s website, johncalvin.ca