Philosophy & Objectives

Foundational Philosophy

The foundational principle on which the establishment of John Calvin School rests is the promises made by parents at the baptism of their children, before God and in the presence of the congregation of fellow believers. Specifically, parents promise to:

“instruct (their) children in the aforesaid doctrine {that being the Bible as the infallible Word of God, and the summary thereof as found in the Three Forms of Unity} and to have them instructed therein to the best of (their) ability” Form for Infant Baptism, Book of Praise

While the education of children is first and foremost the responsibility of their parents, the church community recognizes that it has a stake in the education of the children belonging to it, that they may grow up in the knowledge and fear of the Lord, to the honour of His Name and the well-being of His Church, the Bride of Christ.

Mission – Our purpose

The primary focus of Christian education is to partner with the family and church community to develop the talents and abilities of children as expressed in our mission statement:

The purpose of John Calvin School is to assist and support parents in the education of their covenant children to the glory of God.

The school assists the parents in educating covenant children by equipping them with skills and knowledge and helping them grow as responsible Christians in accordance with God’s Word so that they may serve Him and their neighbour in a life of responsible, Christian stewardship.

Vision – What we see

Excellent Christ-centered elementary education in service to God and our neighbour.

Educational Pillars
Care for the Covenant Child

We will encourage children to embrace their identity
in Christ, and equip them for a life of service.
Reference – Graduate Composite & Portrait
(Proverbs 22:6; 3 John 1:4; 1 Corinthians 12)

Professional Development

We will continually develop and improve as
educators (Ecclesiastes 9:10; Colossians 3:23,24).

Reformed Worldview and Witness

We will teach students to see that all of creation
belongs to God, that all exists for His glory, and all
the world is His mission field. (Psalm 24:1,2; Psalm
145; Matthew 28:19,20; Matthew 5:16)

Organizational Excellence

In everything, we will work at it with our whole heart,
as working for the Lord. (Colossians 3:17,23,24)

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