General News
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour…, Luke 1:46b-47
We’re back into the regular swing of things here at JCCS. We’re thankful to be able to take this task up at a school that professes his name. In some of the work that I have been doing this week in aligning our curriculum, I was reminded how beautiful it is to shape our work around the Four Hallmarks of Reformed Education: Coventally Founded, Confessionally Grounded, Enmity Surrounded, and Bound in Unity. Breathing life into our subject material with these Four Hallmarks adds a real biblical perspective to every subject we teach. Remaining faithful to His Word in our everyday lives has its implications in our school and how we seek to build each other up as older brothers and sisters with our younger brothers and sisters. What a glorious task and a beautiful perspective in which to steep ourselves in our work!
This past week has been a regular week and next week, albeit a little shorter, seems to be much of the same, being faithful in our work. Here are a few highlights for next week. We hope to have an Early Years Morning on Monday, March 25th. They start at 9:30 and end at around noon!
On Tuesday we hope to have a presentation from the wonderful folks at the McNally House to share with us information on the upcoming Hike for Hospice which is scheduled for May 3rd. All are welcome to attend this information assembly.
We also hope to have an Easter Assembly on Thursday morning at 8:30. Rev. Wildeboer hopes to lead this assembly. You are all welcome to join us in the gym.
Finally, you will see some paperwork coming your way with respect to the School Review that will happen here at JCCS. There is a lot of prep work that is done before the formal visit. This helps the Reviewers get a clear picture of what lives at JCCS. When the surveys come your way, please be sure to fill them out as it helps us continue to do better with the work that we do here at the school.
Wishing you all a blessed weekend!
Week at a Glance
Monday – Early Years Morning
Tuesday – McNally House Presentation – 1:45 p.m.
Thursday – Easter Assembly – 8:30 A.M
Friday – Good Friday
Classroom News
It was wonderful to be back at school after the March Break! The students settled right back into the routines and expectations of school which was nice to see! Preparations are beginning to take place in the classroom for the Alphabet Parade that we hope to enjoy, the Lord willing, on Wednesday April 3. If you haven’t handed in the form for the Alphabet Parade, please do this as soon as possible. The Food Drive officially began this week as well. Our bucket in our hallway is currently empty. Let’s see if we can fill this bucket before April 5th when the Food Drive is complete. In math we continue to practice learning about addition. The students are doing very well with this concept. In Language Arts we have started learning tricky words and have learned the words: the, see. Next week we will be reading our 2nd book called Ox and Man. The students will be bringing home a mini version of this book. Please take some time to read it with your child. On Thursday we will be having an Easter Assembly. The KA students and Grade 2A will be performing a song at this assembly. If you are able to join us for the assembly, we would love to have you there. Here’s a look at next week: Monday – SH: Autumn; Tuesday – SH: Hadley; Wednesday – Beach Day and Library; Thursday – SH: Jace; Friday – No School. Have a blessed weekend. JB
Grade 1
After a relaxing week away, the students have taken up their tasks in the classroom once more. One of the big moments this week was when the students received their very own Bible. The excitement and joy in the room was very high! We pray that these children may always receive God’s Word with joy! We have reached the end of our Science unit on Seasonal Change, and plan to complete it with a test next week. The students have been working on writing sentences to describe a sequence of events. They enjoy being authors, expressing their own ideas and creativity. Grade 1A has welcomed a volunteer in our classroom on Mondays. Miss Timera Tenhage looks forward to studying for her ECE in the fall. In the meantime, she’s sharing her time and learning about working with students in JCCS. Welcome, Miss Timera! We pray your time with us will be blessed!
Grade 2
This week grade 2 has been excitedly busy with the beginning of their novel study – curious about who took Annie’s picture. In Church history we finished up our stories learning about Pelagius and Augustine, and their work for or against God’s Word. We look forward to retelling/hearing the Easter stories next week. In Math we are working with double digit subtraction and regrouping. Please continue to practice math facts at home with your child. Grade 2 is also looking forward to Wednesday’s dress-up day. Have a great weekend. BV&MB
Grade 3
We are back into the swing of things after March Break. In Bible class, we have been seeing how the Lord helped Moses, despite his sinfulness, to be a leader to the Israelites. What a blessing that we know that Jesus came to be a perfect leader to save us all from our sins. Next week, we will see how God used His power in the ten plagues to show Pharoah that He alone is God. In math, we are working on more advanced multiplication. Reviewing the facts at home would be of great benefit to the students. We continue to work with weekly spelling lists that should also be practiced at home. Have a look in the agendas for each week’s words.
Memory Work: Hymn 33: 1, 4; The Ten Plagues
Grade 4
The week after March Break always comes with a flurry of activities and new units being started (this year we even had snow!). In Bible, the Kings of Israel unit is wrapping up – ask your children about Hezekiah for some interesting details about the battle belongs to the Lord. In Science we started a new unit on Habitats and Communities. This unit provides some wonderful opportunities to do long-term experiments to practice data keeping. Keep an eye out in your agenda for materials that we would like to use! In music class, the beautiful chorus of recorders can be heard in the grade 4 hallway – please keep an eye on the agendas to see if there are weekly practice goals for your children. The first of the students also received their “pen licence” – congratulations if you are a new licence holder! If you are still awaiting yours, you may ask your teacher what you need to do to earn this licence! Have an excellent weekend!
Mrs. VA, Mrs. B, Mrs. S
Tuesday: 4a Reading Vocab (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4)
Wednesday: French Quiz – Colour & Body Parts
Thursday: Bible Test – Kings of Israel Pt 2 (4a), MW Hymn 35:4; Text Psalm 121:5-8 (due next week); Recorders; Library; Mission $; Spelling Test
Devos (4B): Helayna (Tues), Kolten (Wed), Peri (Thurs)
Devos (4A): Hailey (Mon), Mila (Tues), Mason (Wed), Michaela (Thurs)
Spelling 4B: faced, crash, city, picture, mice, rocket, space, poem, ice, cricket, adventure, police, club, o’clock
Spelling 4A: surrender, thrive, promote, seize, retreat, fatal, acquire, establish, transform, unravel
Grade 5
After enjoying the March Break, the students were once again busy in the classroom. We are continuing to learn about Jesus’ final teachings and parables before His arrest. Grade 5A is making great progress learning to add and subtract fractions. We are also reviewing recorder songs and you can expect students to be taking them home to practice. Exciting things are happening in 5B: bucket drumming has begun! We wish you an enjoyable and restful weekend! RK/KVL
Grade 6
It has been a great, regular first week back after March Break. Ms. Penninga continues to teach more classes in Grade 6B which has been a nice change at this time of the year. In Math, we continue to work through fractions and will be moving into Chapter 6 next week. In Church History, we have started looking into the very dark time of the crusades. We have also wrapped up “Underground to Canada”, and now move forward into some short stories and moving towards our next novel study, “Lost in the Barrens”. Next week will be a shorter week due to Good Friday/Easter Monday. Enjoy your weekend! TB/CVA/KP
Grade 7A
This week, we wrapped up our Church History unit on Ulrich Zwingli, and will be moving on to Bible History, beginning with Solomon. We began looking at thermal energy systems in Science, and have continued our study of vegetation in Physical Geography. In History, the students have begun constructing their interactive battle map for the War of 1812. We have a field trip planned for Thursday the 28th to visit a battle Battlefield House Museum in Stoney Creek and Nelles Manor in Grimsby. In Language Arts, we have moved on to the poetry unit. Students learned about the Dinka people and their poetry, and have written a Dinka poem of their own.
Grade 7B
Thankful for a week of rest and refreshment we picked up right where we left off. This week we took Mom’s grocery list to school and analyzed this question: if I only bought local and in-season products what would my lunch look like tomorrow? It was a fun and eye-opening exercise to be sure. In History we continued with our 1812 projects. We have our field trip next Thursday which promises to be a fun day. Today some of us our gone to the Basketball tournament. Have a blessed weekend! Cheers, Mr. J
Grade 8
Students can count on a Church History test on the Reformation in Scotland Thursday next week. There will also be math quiz on simplifying algebraic expressions. In French we are working through the Passe Compose and learning a portion of our confession in the French language. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend, RT, RVW and AL