Volume 24, Number 10, November 11, 2022

General News

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,… You are serving the Lord Christ.  Colossians 3:23, 24b

It appears that the warmness of the fall may have left us.  We have enjoyed some marvelous weather this fall and we give thanks for also this gift from above. This past week we would remember the sacrifices that men have made for our freedom. We pray that God will keep “our land glorious and free”.  

For the past number of weeks, we have enjoyed Miss Overduin in grade 2B and Miss Schouten in grade 4b as student teachers.  It has been a pleasure to get to know both of you and we pray that God will continue to bless you in your studies.  Their last day here will be today, November 11th.

The progress reports will make their way home today.   We also have a Parent-Teacher conference schedule that is attached as well.   We look forward to working together as we “encourage one another and build one another up” (I Thess 5:11) as we discuss the education of the covenant children entrusted to us.

I believe that is all for this week.  May we be refreshed with the proclamation of the gospel. JVI

This week!

Mon – Volleybal Exhibition @ ACRES

Tue – Parent-Teacher Conferences in the Evening

Wed – Grade 4 & 6 Skating, KB only day

Thursday – P/T conferences, Volleyball

Friday – PD Day

Classroom News


Another week is complete in kindergarten! Many of the students have runny noses, coughs and are quite tired! Hopefully the weekend off will give their bodies enough time to heal! We have learned our first 4 letter sounds and the students could not be more proud that they are able to read a few words such as mat, at, am, dam, tad and mad. Ask them to read these words for you! This past week we did math outside where the students had to find items in nature for each of the numbers 1-10. The students absolutely loved being outside and were thrilled to know that you can even do math outside! In science, we finished our senses unit and will be starting a new unit next week. We also plan on making cookies as an end of the unit celebration! What better way to celebrate learning all about our senses by making cookies. Here is a look at next week’s schedule:

Monday – SH: Adrianna

Tuesday – SH: Bennett

Wednesday – SH: Sutton 

Thursday – SH: Samuel R. 

Friday – PD day – no school

A reminder for all KA parents, there is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday November 16th.  It is a KB DAY ONLY!

Grade 1

Today is Remembrance day. We are so thankful for the veterans from wars past, and we continue to hold the armed forced in our prayers for the work they continue to do. Yesterday both classes had a special visitor come for a little impromptu visit: Mr. VanGoolen came in dressed in his Coast Guard boating uniform. Both classes very much enjoyed this visit. This coming week, we hope to begin our next science unit, we were hoping to start this week but our week got away from us.  Next week have a four day week, we will still be having spelling words and memory work, but we will be testing them on Thursday rather than Friday.

Memory work: Hymn 66:1

Spelling words: by, one, had, word, or

Have a great blessed weekend!

Grade 2

Grade 2B has come to the time where they must say goodbye to their student teacher, Miss Overduin. We pray that she has been blessed by her time here and we wish her well in her further training! In our Math classes this week, we were reintroduced to the concept of measurement.  As ‘simple’ as measuring may appear to be, it takes a bit of practice to use the tools with accuracy. In Bible study, we learned about Jesus’ transfiguration and how he began to prepare his disciples for his death. I’m Language Arts, we’ve started a new unit called “Kids Excel”. We’ll be learning about the different ways that children can grow in their talents and skills to also serve their Lord. Have a wonderful weekend! BV/RG 

Grade 3

Hello, dear readers. The children did very well on their Bible test. We have now turned our attention to Church History, learning about Thomas Cranmer. In math we have come to regrouping in subtraction. This is a hard concept, however, the children seem to be doing quite well with this. Keep practising subtraction facts at home as well, boys and girls. The story of Aladdin keeps us busy in reading class. Congratulations go to the grade 3a class winning the pizza lunch for selling the most card boxes. Congratulations also to Kolton and his sister, for selling the most boxes per family. Thank you Mrs. Bartels, for showing us how to make delicious buns and teaching us how to churn butter. It was a very yummy Wednesday afternoon! Wishing you a wonderful weekend and blessed Sunday.

Memory work: Ps. 39:1   Text: Ps. 23:1-3

Spelling words: first, hopeless, journal, let’s, recycle

Library on Thursday, Mission $ and spelling test

Grade 4

How wonderful the warm weather has been this week! Students will have a free skate on Wednesday from 12:15-1:15 PM. An email will go out early next week regarding volunteers, if required. Grade 4A begins lunchtime devotions

Tuesday: Grade 4A will be having a Bible test on the second half of David’s reign.

Wednesday: Both Grade 4A and 4B will be having a quiz on the provinces, territories, and their capitals.

Thursday: Grade 4A will be having a French quiz on “personal pronouns” (je, tu, il/elle…) , “possession” (mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, son, sa, ses), and family roles.

Friday: PD day – please keep an eye on your child’s agenda to check if we are able to squeeze in a Library period.

Spelling Words: dream, rest, please, friend, they, sleeping, chief, creek, piece, meet, believe, teach, yard, leave.

Memory Work: Psalm 56:1; Text (for next week): Isaiah 9:6-7

Grade 5

This past week, the students created some vivid artwork to commemorate Remembrance Day. They are hung in the hallways near our classroom and we hope you have an opportunity to see them when you come into the school for interviews! You’ll also see the Punic War posters created by 5B hanging near their classroom. They have now started work on their Roman building projects! 5A is nearing completion of their Punic War posters and hopes to start their building projects soon. Devotions for the week are as follows: 5A – Sophia (M), Ashleigh (Tu), Avery (W), Caleb (Th). And for 5B – Eddie (M), Seth (Tu), Holden (W), Azlynne (Th). Have a blessed weekend! RK/KVL 

Grade 6

Next week the classes will be going skating on Wednesday from 1:15-2:15. Please join us at the arena if you would like to. If the students want to play hockey, they need to bring a helmet. Ask the students the name of the type of tower made by the surrounding nations which the people after the flood were making. We have been busy working with exponents, scientific notation, and multiplying decimal numbers with multiples of 10. Great effort on the part of the student in solving their questions. We look forward to discussing the progress of your child during the interviews next week. Have a blessed weekend. TB/CVA

Grade 7

This past week we were able to tour the Turkstra Lumber Truss Mill in connection with our Science unit, “Structural Strength and Strabilty.” This unit is formally coming to an end soon with a project planned. In History we will look at conflict and change in North America as the English battle against the French on both sides of the Atlantic. We began our study of the Reformation with a review of what is Church History; we were reintroduced to the terms providence, antithesis, doctrine, order, catholic and reform. Enjoy your weekend. 

Grade 8

Greetings from the Gr. 8B classroom! As we conclude another week of study we take the time today to focus and remember the sacrifice of so many on behalf of our freedom. This morning the Gr. 8’s travelled to the cenotaph with the rest of Gr. 5-8 to participate in our local legion’s remembrance day service. This past week we also spent time discussing our upcoming graduation trip and students were given the opportunity to learn about the different options before them, ask related questions and discuss amongst themselves. As far as subject matter was concerned, we began a novel study on ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’ by Mark Twain. Students have already enjoyed the mischievous traits exhibited by the main protagonist. In History we continued our work on our Confederation projects and hope to begin building our poster boards in earnest next week. Have a blessed weekend! Cheers, Mrs. Ludwig and Mr. J

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