General News
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,… You are serving the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23, 24b
We have been blessed with another week under His grace. We understand that working heartily takes effort and we can see that we have settled into the rhythm of the school year. Keeping this in mind we mourn with the Evink’s who lost a mother, and grandmother. We pray that God will grant them strength as they bury a loved one.
Some of you may be wondering who we are collecting mission money for. This year we are supporting young Esther Felisnor who is seven years old. She is a student of Adoration Christian school in Haiti. This country was again rocked by another earthquake in August. We pray that our work in mission will help this young lady with her education. More information is attached to this Chronicle.
The grade 8 class started off their fundraising last week Friday with a concession stand at the Vallenga Farm auction and made their first $685 towards their year end trip. They hope to continue these efforts at the soccer tournament. So, if you are looking for a delightful lunch or snack you can stop by at a concession stand at the soccer tournament for a bite to eat.
There are several events that are coming up this week. On Oct 1 (Tomorrow), we have the soccer tournament which will be played both here at John Calvin School and at the Liesureplex. If you are looking for the schedule you can find it here. We also will be participating in the annual cross country run on October 7th. Several grade 7/8 students will be competing in this event in Dundas Valley.
On Wednesday October 5th lunch will be a little bit easier to prepare for as we have a hotdog lunch provided for by the Ladies Auxilliary. Thank-you!
On Friday, Oct 7th we also hope to have a Thanksgiving Assembly. This will be held at 1:30 in the Smithville Church. All are welcome. We have chosen this venue as the gym will be used for a blood donor clinic in the afternoon.
This will be the final reminder for the West Lincoln Community Care Food drive. The grade 7 class hopes to deliver the barrels to WLCC on Thursday. If you could send the items to school with your children that would be greatly appreciated.
I believe that is all for the week. We wish you all blessings as we, together, work heartily in His Kingdom.
Oct 1 – Soccer Tournament
Oct 5 – Hot Dog Lunch
Oct 6 – Grade 7 to WLCC and Gleaners
Oct 7 – Dundas Valley Cross Country Run – Grade ⅞, 1:30 – Thanksgiving Assembly
Classroom News
This past week, we had our very first colour day. We celebrated the rainbow and the promises that God gave to His people. We had rainbow treats, rainbow crafts and rainbow colours everywhere. I’m inclined to say that our first colour day was an absolute success. It’s hard to believe that we have been in school for an entire month already! The students have learned so much and it is so fun to be able to watch friendships start to take shape! We are going from a room of individuals to a community that cares and watches out for each other. Next week’s agenda is as follows:
Monday: regular KA day, SH: Charlie
Tuesday: regular KB day, SH: Rowan
Wednesday: combined day, library day
Thursday: regular KA day, SH: Dexter
Friday: regular KB day, SH: Blake B.
Have a great weekend! JB/SV
Grade 1
Happy first week of October! The first month of school has flown by!Both Grade 1 classes have had Bible tests last week and we are moving on to Unit 3: God Blesses His People. In science, we are investigating and learning about different types of measurement. What an amazing world that was created by our Creator to be able to see the order and beauty around us! This week, we plan on starting CKLA as we are well into Phonics book, with both classes finishing unit 1. Spelling words will also be coming soon as well.
Memory work: Psalm 131:3
Grade 2
And just like that, the first month of school has come to an end. Grade 2 has been busy with many activities; learning about muscles in Science, painting cityscapes for art, hearing of our Lord and Saviour as he began his ministry, and beginning a math unit learning about addition strategies. Our Science unit continues to be a favourite. Ask your child if they know what the biggest muscle in the body is! They’ll be ready with a giggle to answer that question. Today we were also able to hear from the Dethans about their mission work. We pray that God will continue to bless them in their work. Have a blessed weekend! BV/RG
Grade 3
September has come and gone; time just flies. We continue to learn more about John Eliot who came as a missionary from England to the New World to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the natives. The children are thoroughly enjoying the stories. We will finish the unit with a test. Check your child’s agenda for the date. We have come to the end of the CKLA reading unit and hope to begin our first novel called “Sarah, Plain and Tall” next week. In Math, we turned our attention from Place Value to Addition. Our Art project on Joan Miro will soon grace our hallways; super job, boys and girls. Remember to let your child come to school wearing layers. A pair of extra socks might also be a good idea to have in the school bag. Remember to take the time to study song, text and spelling words at home every day. Don’t forget to bring something themed or $ for our theme basket. Wishing you a wonderful weekend, and a blessed Sunday.
Memory work: Hy. 53:2 Text: Gen. 3: 15
Spelling words: city, community, countries, exciting
Thursday: bring library books in library bag
Friday: Mission $ and Spelling test
Grade 4
Just like that, we have finished the first month of Grade 4! What a blessing it has been to begin the school year singing and worshipping our Lord together. In Bible class, 4A is learning about how God established King David to the throne of Israel, while 4B is moving to Church History and talking about the body of believers. Have a great week! MVA & KO
Wednesday: Grade 4B will have a music quiz on the notes of the Treble Clef. Grade 4A will have a French quiz on “colours” and numbers “0-61”
Thursday: Grade 4B will have a French quiz on “colours” and numbers “0-31”
Spelling Words: tea, cars, need, ocean, whale, net, clear, watch, deep, feel, hear, chest, sea, free
Memory Work: Hymn 13:1,2 1 Samuel 15:22
Grade 5
5A wrote their first math test and 5B hopes to finish up this unit with a test near the end of the week. We are also nearing the end of our first Bible unit about the birth and early years of Jesus Christ. We are planning to write this test on Thursday so expect to see material come home for studying! There are many students continually practicing for the upcoming cross country meet both at home and at school! The organized practices take place on Wednesday and Friday at noon so students should come prepared with clothes and shoes suitable for running. 5A has been leading devotions using the prayers that we wrote together in school. Now they will be bringing home a prayer form, guiding them in the appropriate way to formulate a prayer. Devotions for 5A: Cooper (M), Eliza (Tu), Hannah (W), Isaac (Th), Jayce (F). And for 5B: Arli (M), Lauren (Tu), John (W), Zac (Th), Zion (F). Enjoy your weekend! RK/KVL
Grade 6
With the cooler temperatures we were able to concentrate on our work much easier. Keep in mind that our classrooms are very warm so dress accordingly. We discussed how the church and government should treat each other and by using God’s word and the Belgic Confession looked at what our task was towards the government. In literature we read an autobiography that Jean Fritz wrote about her experiences coming to the States after living in China her whole life. Ask the students about the challenges she faced and how she handled them. If you are going to donate an item or money for the soup basket that Grade 6 is responsible for, please do so by next Friday. Have a blessed weekend. TB/CVA
Grade 7
“Number Theory” has our attention in Math the next few lessons as we explore factors, multiples, primes and composites. The students are reading a book about their independent study topic and will complete a book report on the same. Our next elements of Art will be shape, form and space. In Science we will examine forces and stability. After our look at landform patterns in Geography we will move on to patterns of rivers and oceans. The next chapter in History is divided between fur traders and missionaries; we’ll learn more about voyageurs and, “runners of the woods”. Enjoy your weekend.
Grade 8
This week we wrapped up our first Math chapter with a test, which was handed back on Thursday. Overall, they were well done. In Science we continue to explore cells and hope to make our own 3D models next week. The more we start to understand how these basic building blocks of life work the more we stand in awe of how perfectly formed we are. What an amazing Creator we have! Tomorrow is the much anticipated Soccer Tournament. Have a blessed weekend! Cheers, Mrs. Ludwig and Mr. J