General News
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,… You are serving the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23, 24b
We have a had a really busy week at JCS. Events included pumpkin fest activities, soup greens, trips to the pumpkin patch, and the Golden Horseshoe Cross Counry Run. In all of this we thank the LORD for his providence. With soup greens we celebrate the harvest and gathering for winter, the same goes for the fall colours and the bright red pumpkins. In running we give thanks for the gift of our bodies with which we can serve the LORD. Praise God for the vast gifts that he gives us and that in all things we work and praise him in these events as well!
This week we will have a new EA working at the school. Mrs. VandenOever will be working on Monday and Tuesdays as part of the Resource Department. This fills a void left by Mrs. DeSchiffart who left us in June as well as one left by Mrs. Schulenberg who will be moving to a four day week. We welcome Mrs. VandenOever and pray that she will be a blessing in her work and that her work will be a blessing to her.
This week we also will hosting Fall Fest on Saturday, October 22, 2022. You will see a notice below from the committee looking for a few more volunteers. We look forward to seeing you there!
This coming Wednesday Mrs. Tesfaye will be celebrating her birthday. We wish her the LORD’s blessing in the coming year. We wish you, Mrs. Tesfae, a wonderful day celebrating with your class and family.
Oct 17 – News & Views Material Deadline
Oct 19 – Mrs. Tesfaye’s Birthday
Oct 22 – Fallfest
Oct 23 – News & Views distributed
Oct 25 – Mrs. VanGoolen’s Birthday
Oct 27 – Mrs. Spoelstra’s Birthday
Oct 28 – LCRSS Convention – No School
Fall Fest 2022 Needs Your Help
We are very much looking forward to our first in person fundraising fest this coming Saturday, October 22nd! Look for the coloured flyer in your mailboxes on Sunday. We still need more volunteers to make our event fully operational, and would love to have your help. If you are able to sign up for a time slot and have not yet done so please click on the link to sign up Sign Up Sheet
Toy Bins will remain in the school one more week until Fall Fest so keep your used toy donations coming.
Don’t forget to drop off your delicious baked goods next Friday to help fill the bake room!
If you have any questions please contact Robin Hummel at or 289-440-3387. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you all at Fallfest!
Classroom News
A short but very sweet week in kindergarten. Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered to bring in pumpkin themed snacks for both classes this week. The students were very willing to experiment with new treats and were even surprised to find out they enjoyed the majority of the snacks! The students are eagerly looking forward to going to the pumpkin patch on, the Lord willing, October 26th. Look for more information coming to your emails next week. The students continue to learn all of the different lines needed to construct letters as well as how words are made of different sounds! They are so excited to separate words into parts and then put them back together to make compound words. We completed our math unit on patterns and will start learning how to write and identify numbers 0-5. Have a great weekend. JB/SV
Grade 1
Happy thanksgiving! This past week was pumpkin week which resulted in a lot of fun activities for the students including going to the pumpkin patch, eating some pumpkin or fall themed food and watching the pumpkin drop. We also had our first spelling test this past week! A reminder to parents to practice with the students. Next week, both grade 1’s will be having a Bible test. We will also be going to the Safety village on Thursday morning to conclude our safety unit in Social Studies.
Memory week: Psalm 81:2
Spelling words: in, it, is, that, you
Hope to see you all at Fall fest next Saturday!
Grade 2
What a fun pumpkin filled week! We had a great time on our field trip to The Good Earth Farm! We planted a pumpkin seed, got a little lost in the corn maze, went on a hayride, and even fed some turkeys! Thanks again to the parent volunteers who came with us that day. We were also able to wrap up pumpkin week watching the pumpkin drop with the whole school outside! Keep an eye out for our pumpkin art in the next News and Views! Please continue to practice math facts! Next week in Science we plan to finish our Bone and Muscles unit, check your child’s agenda for the test day. Have a great weekend and a blessed Sunday! RG/BV
Grade 3
It was a short, but very fun week. Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere, pumpkin smash, pumpkin colouring contest, pumpkin patch. Oh, we had a great time! Thank you team, for organizing such a fun-filled week. Thank you also to those who volunteered for baking (YUM) and coming along to the pumpkin patch. In Bible History, we have begun hearing about God calling Abram, who obediently followed the LORD’s command to leave his home and land to go to the land God would show him. We thoroughly enjoy reading the novel Sarah Plain and Tall which ties in with our Social Studies unit about Pioneers. Soccer skills keep us busy in gym class. In Art, we have begun to work with warm and cool colours. Ask us all about it. Have a restful weekend and blessed Sunday.
Memory work: Ps. 8:4,5 Text: Gen.12:1-3 (two weeks)
Spelling words: getting, laughed, to, too, two, community, exciting
Library on Thursday, Mission $ and spelling test on Friday
Grade 4
What a great week we had together, celebrating all things pumpkin! Thank you to all those who brought in treats, came on our trip, and who helped make the week special. Grade 4A will be having a Bible Test on Wednesday covering material and themes about Saul and David’s life. Grade 4B has a Church History test on Wednesday about the household of faith. Both classes are having a Science Test on Friday: all about sound. KO/ MVA
Spelling Words: their, were, wait, holes, takes, there, autumn, such, hear, watch, cried, apple
Memory Work: Hymn 76: 3
Grade 5
This past week was filled with so many extra activities! On Wednesday, students brainstormed how to protect their pumpkin during its flight from the gym roof. Many materials have been coming into school and we can’t wait to see the results Friday afternoon! Many thanks to those parents who brought delicious pancake goodies; it was very much appreciated! On Thursday, the Cross Country runners had a great day despite the rain and cold!
We are still making our way through our Social Studies unit on Ancient Rome. There will be paperwork coming your way describing the building project that we hope to start soon!
Devotions for the week are as follows: 5A – Michael(M), Ryan (Tu), Sawyer (W), Sophia, (Th) Ashleigh (F). And for 5B – Eddie (M), Holden, (Tu), Colton (W), Azlunne (Th), Seth (F).
Have an enjoyable weekend! RK/KVL
Grade 6
Pumpkin week was a big success and a very enjoyable time for all! Thank you for all your participation, whether it was baking or providing materials for the Pumpkin Smash! We would also like to thank all the donations that we received for both the Soup Theme Basket and the West Lincoln Community Care Food Drive. We are coming to the end of a number of units in Church History, Language Arts, Math, etc. Please be on the lookout for quizzes, tests, and assignments that may be in agendas as we close out these units! Although it is a long way away, a quick notice that Grade 6 will be going skating on November 16. Time to dust off the skates in the closet and get the hockey helmets out! After a busy, short week, we look forward to a full week coming up. Enjoy your weekend!
Grade 7
Next week in Science we will create a stable table and test structural efficiency. The students are enjoying their new P.E. unit with flag football, we’ll plan and execute pass patterns next week. In History, the King of France will put his plan of the Crown taking charge of his colony of New France into action. “Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head”, is a theme we will follow as David on the run from Saul foreshadows Jesus Christ. In L.A. we’ll wrap up evaluating our present public speaking abilities and move on to impromptu speaking otherwise known as “table talk”. Enjoy your weekend.
Grade 8
It was a short, jam-packed week for Gr. 8B. Wednesday afternoon we travelled to the Niagara Christian Gleaners to chop and dice all the veggies for our Soup Green fundraiser. On Thursday we packaged the veggies in record time, wrapping up over 8000 cups in little over 4 hours! Many thanks goes to the parent volunteers who helped organize these days and who ran a very very tight ship! Word on the street is that there are several 25$ bags left over, contact the school if you or someone you know still needs some! Have a blessed weekend! Cheers, Mr. J and Mrs. Ludwig