General News
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour…, Luke 1:46b-47
We welcomed a very Canadian week this week with a wintery snow and rain delight. Especially towards the end of the week, we could see wet floors in the school as the students came inside after recess. I’m sure there were many mittens, snow pants, socks, and other paraphernalia that needed to be dried each day!
Mr. Tomlin came to the school to speak to the grade 8 class about their transition into grade 8. Along with that visit, we were reminded about two upcoming events for the grade 8 class and their Guido transition. On Jan 29 there will be a Parent Information Evening at Guido, as you can read about below. Following that, on February 12th (not the 13th as previously published) the grade 8 class will head over to the new Guido building for grade 8 day. I’m sure this will be an exciting event.
Mr. Breukleman was given a little surprise this week. He found out that he had appendicitis and was admitted to the hospital for surgery. I can report that the surgery went well and we pray that all continues to go well as Mr. Breukelman convalesces.
The students will be heading into a long weekend. JCCS has put some PD days at the same time as the Guido turnaround days. Staff will be busy working on developing a new science curriculum as well as preparing the upcoming set of report cards. We look forward to welcoming the students back on Wednesday.
On Wednesday we will enjoy another School Spirit Day. This one is called “inside out, and backward day”
The halls in the upper end of the school have been busy with students practicing for the Speech and Poetry contest. The grade 7 and 8 students hope to have the schoolwide contest on Friday. The contest will happen in the gym at 1:00. All are welcome.
I believe that is all for the week. May God bless the education that happens here at JCCS!
Monday – PD Day Gr. Parent Meeting at Guido
Tuesday – PD Day
Wednesday – School Spirit Day – Inside Out and Backwards Day
Friday – School-Wide Speech Contest.
Guido – Parent Information Evening
On January 29 we will be hosting our annual parent information evening. This meeting is targeted for parents with students currently in Grade 8, though others are also welcome to attend if they have questions about the school and are interested in enrolment. During the evening we will explain what our school has to offer your children in terms of academic programs, student services, special needs support, enrichment, and student leadership development. Coffee and tours of the school will be ready at 7:30 pm and the meeting portion of the night start at 8 pm in Room 132
Classroom News
A very wet week, first with snow and then the rain. With all of the precipitation, many of the students have used their extra socks and extra clothes. Parents can you please send 2 pairs of extra socks and if your child took their spare pants home with them, please replace these as well. Today and next week we will be starting “Can You Guess?” for show and tell. As parents, you should have received an email outlining the instructions for this. If you haven’t received it or if you have any questions, please let me know. Here’s a look at next week: Monday/Tuesday – NO SCHOOL; Wednesday – Combined day, Library; Thursday – SH: Quintan; Friday – SH: Letty. Enjoy the extra-long weekend. JB
Grade 1
How fun to have a Snow Day this week! The students were so eagerly awaiting the arrival of snow so that they could sled, build snowmen families, and tunnel in the piles of snow. It was good to hear about the activities they enjoyed! We also worked very diligently this week in all our learning activities. It’s an exciting time of year as we see students really beginning to read with some fluency. They are so thrilled with the new world of literature that is opening up! In math class, we learned about 3-digit numbers. In Bible study, we heard about God’s mighty hand of deliverance, using Gideon as His instrument. In Social Studies, we learned about ways to travel by air. We’re also approaching our 100th day of school. At this time, we are planning for a mid- February celebration. The students are looking forward to this day, and we are quite busy with our preparations! As a ‘heads-up’, please note that we plan to dress as if we are 100 years old on that day.
Have a blessed weekend!
Grade 2
This week, Grade 2 enjoyed the snow day on Tuesday! We heard lots of stories the next day of all the fun things they did and made in the snow. This week we finished our Social Studies unit on Nunavut. The students loved watching videos and seeing pictures of what life is like in the Arctic. Next week, we plan to start our new unit on Zimbabwe! Our next unit in Math is on 2-digit addition and subtraction. It will be very helpful for the students to know their single-digit facts. Please keep practicing the flash cards at home! Next week, we look forward to another dress-up day. We’re excited to see all the different inside-out and backward outfits! Have a great, extra-long weekend! MB & BV
Grade 3
“He sends out His command to the earth; His Word runs swiftly. He gives snow like wool; He scatters frost like ashes. He hurls down his crystals of ice like crumbs; who can stand before His cold?” Psalm 147: 15-17 We thank the Lord for His continued protection and care this week. In our Bible, we finished our unit with test. Please check your child’s agenda. Well done, girls and boys!! We hope to switch to Church History. Ask your child about Thomas Cranmer. Urban, rural, and suburban communities keep up busy in Social Studies.
Memory Work: Psalm 64:1
Text: Exodus 20:1-6
Check your child’s agenda for the spelling words.
Grade 4
We had our first snow day of the year on Tuesday! What a fun day for students to spend outside in the sunshine and snow. A snow day is often accompanied by a renewed burst of energy. French is continuing to pick up the pace – there have been a number of students in both classes who have been forgetting their red duotang for class, leading them to be behind. Students have been quizzed on all of the vocabulary words and have worked with the verb “porter” and possessive adjectives – keep up the practicing! 4A is doing very well on their multiplication practice sheets – students have shown great improvements over our “0, 2, 5, 10” multiplication drills. Next week we will be moving on to “3”, and students will start recording their own progress! Students in 4A are also working very hard in our “Brown Girl Dreaming” novel study – the reflections and applications have been wonderful to see.
Grade 4B wrote both a science quiz and a Bible test this week – look for those to be returned early next week. Next week we will continue with our Science unit, now focusing on sound. The students in 4B were also excited to see how much they are improving on their math drills! Next week we will begin our math drill booklet on the multiples of 3.
Have a great weekend, Mrs. VanAm/Mrs. Baartman/Mrs. Stel
Spelling Words (review week): heard laughed watched beautiful finally squirrel until again holiday climbing stopped coming
Thursday: Library Books
Friday: Spelling Test, Mission $, Memory Work (Psalm 132:1, 10; John 1:1-4 4A) (Ps 3:2, John 3:16-18 4B:, Science Test – Light (4A)
4A Devotions RK (Wed) MJ (Thurs), AJ (Fri)
4B Devotions: Emma (Thurs) Harper (Fri)
Grade 5
Hopefully you all enjoyed the snow day earlier this week and spent some time in the snow, especially since it’s all disappearing very quickly! We are very excited to have started The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe this week! In our short week next week, we will be starting Unit 4 in Bible, where we will continue studying Jesus’ ministry, including more parablesJesus raising Lazarus, and the triumphal entry.
Devotions for next week are as follows:
5A – W. Ashley, Th. Brooklynn, F. Matthew
5B – W. Denver, Th. Jonathan, F. Sawyer
Have an enjoyable long weekend! RK/KV
Grade 6
We all enjoyed the surprise snow day. The students are writing journal entries as if they are the slave girl, Julilly. One student was able to figure out the amount of bacteria in our bodies after 8 hours. Did you figure it out? There would be about 17 million. Again we are amazed how the LORD provides for us. May He also give Mr. Breukelman a speedy recovery from his surgery. A new question for this week-how old were Jacob and Esau when they received the blessing from Isaac? Have a blessed weekend. TB/CVA
Grade 7A
After wrapping up our Math unit on plane geometry, we will move on to integers. We’ve learned what specific heat capacity is in Science and next we’ll apply it to changes of state, phase changes and the particle theory. Specific heat capacity and what we’ve learned in Science will help us in Physical Geography as we examine local climate factors; bodies of water and elevation. David’s kingdom has been restored to him by the LORD and now David must resist the urge to glory in himself and in his might. In Art we will learn what portraits are and create them using pastels with our peers as models. Enjoy your weekend.
Grade 7B
As we conclude the in-class poetry and speech component of our public speaking unit we congratulate the finalists from Grade 7. We look forward to a shorter week next and the in-school final next Friday. Come and check it out next Friday afternoon! In the meantime, have a blessed weekend. Cheers, Mr. J
Grade 8
Students have completed the first round of the Speech and Poetry Contest. We enjoyed seeing the efforts of much time invested in preparation. Thank you to parents who volunteered as judges. Enjoy an extended weekend! RT, AL and RW