Volume 26, Number 31, May 3, 2024

General News

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour…, Luke 1:46b-47

Thank you all for coming to the Open House.  What a wonderful way to share the joy and privilege that we have to work together to teach covenant children to the fear of his name.   As our mission states, the “school assists parents” in this task.  We are blessed to have this school and we constantly look at ways of making it better as we seek to serve him in the work that we do.  The halls packed full of parents and grandparents, sharing in the learning is exciting.  The fellowship is beautiful.  We thank the Ladies Auxiliary for their work in providing a delicious lunch for the grandparents. 

In the afternoon we hope to go for the McNally Hike for Hospice. Here we have the opportunity to show a heart of love to those who need end of life care.   We’re grateful for the support and care that can be provided at McNally house and are thankful for the opportunity to fundraise for this institution.

This coming week is busy with events around the School Review.   The team will be in the school on Wednesday and Thursday as part of their onsite visit.  We thank all of you who have participated in surveys and in the town hall.  They hope to have their report back to us by the end of the school year.  This too, will provide a springboard for us to continue to work and develop as a reformed school.

On Thursday we will celebrate Ascension Day with an assembly in the gym.  The assembly will take place at 8:15.  We welcome you there. The devotional will be led by Rev. Wynia.  As we celebrate the ascended Lord we reflect on the completion of Jesus’ earthly ministry, his return to the Father, the promise of the Holy Spirit, and the assurance that he will return and bring us to his Heavenly Kingdom.  We are also reminded about the great commission where we are called to make disciples of all nations.  May our walk and talk reflect this glorious inheritance. 

We have several birthdays this week as well.  On Wednesday one of the smiling faces that greets you when you come into the building will celebrate her birthday.  We congratulate Mrs. D’Addazio on her birthday and wish her God’s continued providence in the upcoming year. She will not be in the building on Wednesday, but we’ll find time to make sure she gets the proper JCCS birthday treatment!  On Friday, Mrs. Boersema will celebrate her birthday.  I’m sure that between the two grade one classes it will be a good day to celebrate!

I believe that is all for the week.  Wishing you God’s blessings this weekend.  (Come out to a concert if you have a chance ?)


Week at a Glance

Monday – Baseball Practice

Wednesday -Mrs. D’Addazio’s Birthday

Thursday –  Ascension Day Assembly 8:15, Baseball Practice

Friday – Mrs. Boersema’s Birthday

Classroom News


By the time that you read this, Open House will have been completed, the Lord willing. It was definitely a highlight for the students to welcome their grandparents and other special guests to the classroom on Friday! Thank you to everyone who stopped by the classroom. We also would have completed the McNally walk. Well done kindergarten! You persevered and accomplished on this long walk. Thank you to the parents who were able to accompany us on the walk as well as a big thank you to the Ladies Auxiliary for the delicious treat that we could enjoy after the walk. Next week we will be having our teddy bear picnic. Students are invited to take in 1 (one) teddy bear and to come to school in their PJs. We will be having a picnic lunch, hopefully outside if the weather permits it. Here’s a look at next week: Monday – SH – Andrew; Tuesday – SH: Pierce; Wednesday – Library day and Teddy Bear Picnic; Thursday – SH: Hannah; Friday – SH: Reese. Have a great weekend everyone. J

Grade 1

It was a pleasure to open our classrooms to the many parents, grandparents, and friends who visited the students today! We pray that you will have enjoyed your time with us! The students also enjoyed walking for the McNally House this afternoon. Thank you to the many parents who came along to help! In our studies this week, we began a new science unit called, “Everyday Materials, Objects, and Structures”. We learned about how we can use the senses God gave us to describe the characteristics of objects around us. In Church History, we marveled at God’s amazing ability to change someone’s heart completely. This was highlighted as we learned about Paul.  We also focused on his missionary work at Ephesus. Next week we plan to learn about Guido deBres. The students are enjoying their Language Arts unit where we are reading about the fictional Green Fern Zoo. We’ve also learned about verbs, and how a verb changes to reflect when it happened. Please keep reading the tricky words with your child, especially if they don’t automatically recognize some of the words. That’s all for this week! Have a blessed weekend! 

Grade 2

This week in Bible, we continued learning about Paul and his first and second missionary journeys. In Math, we have been focusing on adding triple digit numbers with regrouping in the tens and the ones! The students have really enjoyed the first lessons in our Animals unit in Science class. Thank you for the many volunteers who want to come along on our class trip in May. We will pick names by the beginning of next week and let you know.  Thanks to all the many visitors who came today and to those who joined us on the McNally walk. Have a great weekend! MB & BV

Grade 3

We had some beautiful sun this week, which we are so thankful for. We are also thankful for all of the visitors that we could welcome into our classrooms on Friday. Thank you for joining us to sit alongside the students as they shared a bit of their learning. Looking ahead to next week, we continue with the Israelites’ journey in the wilderness as they depart from Mount Sinai. In math, we have moved to a unit of geometry and have already been learning terms like parallel, intersecting, acute and obtuse angles, and more! Our unit on structures will be wrapped up soon and then we will be exploring soil and plants.

Memory work: Psalm 77: 5; Psalm 24:1-3 (text)

See the agenda for the spelling word list.

Grade 4

The Grade 4 class greatly enjoyed their trip to St. Johns Conservation Area and Beamer Memorial Conservation Area as a final activity for their Science unit on “Habitats and Communities.” We had wonderful weather! A big thank you goes out to our parent volunteers as well! Grade 4B will be writing a test on this unit next week Wednesday. This also means the beginning of our final big unit – the Middle Ages! Just a reminder to send a water bottle with your child on Mondays and Wednesdays for PE. With warmer weather, PE classes will be outdoors and there is no going back into the building to get a drink. Grade 4A will be having an assessment in CKLA on Tuesday (their first one of Unit 3), which will include reading comprehension, morphology, and grammar assessments. Last assessment, we noticed some struggles with independently reading and following all instructions – this has been reviewed, and resources will be available. If you have any questions about how to prepare, please forward them to me before the end of the school day Monday. At the time of writing this, we are looking forward to the Open House and McNally Hike for Hospice scheduled for Friday. We can’t wait to see many of you there!

Mrs. VA, Mrs. B, Mrs. S
Tuesday: CKLA mid-unit Test (4A); Fractions Test (4A)
Wednesday: Science Test “Habitats and Communities” (4B)
Thursday: Library
Friday: MW: Ps 11:1, Mission $, Spelling Test; Recorders!
Devos (4B): Kolten (T), Peri (W), Jasmine (Th), Victoria (F)
Devos (4A): Scott (M), Nash (T), Jocelyn (W), Tayson (Th), Michaela (F)

Grade 5

At the time of writing, we are busily preparing for Open House. We look forward to sharing our classrooms with many of you! We are in the middle of our “Investigating Space” unit. 5B will have a Science quiz on lessons 1 – 3 this Tuesday. 5B is reminded that they have 2 weeks left to finish their planet projects. 5A will be introduced to this project in the coming week. You should have received a note in your child’s agenda regarding the upcoming Science Centre trip. If you are interested in coming along, please return the form to the school by Thursday, May 9.

Devotions for the week are as follows: 5A – Seth (M), Ashley(Tu), Brooklynn(W), Matthew(Th), Mitchell (F). 5B – Robby (M), Liam G. (Tu), Liam H. (W), Denver (Th), Jonathan (F). Enjoy the weekend! RK/KVL

Grade 6

It was a wonderful week of weather as we enter the spring season. We could also end the week with a packed school full of the supporting community at the Open House. Next week, we continue to work through our curriculum as we move to the end of the year. In Language Arts, we are working through the book, “Lost in the Barrens”, and are enjoying the harrowing tale of 2 young men getting lost in the wilderness. In Social Studies, we have moved into our unit on Aboriginal peoples and the different groups across North America. In Phys. Ed., we have moved into baseball season, so a reminder for students to bring their baseball glove if they have one. Enjoy your weekend!

Grade 7A

What is a mixture and what is a solution? What is heterogenous and homogenous? These questions and more will be addressed next week in Science as we move on to “Pure Substances and Mixtures”. We’ll welcome two guests into our classroom as we ask the Deacons to elaborate on their work within the church of Christ as it applies to our new Math unit, “Foundations in Personal Finance”. “The War of 1812: Battlefield Tour” Day 2 will take place next week Friday as we go east into the Peninsula and reach new heights as we visit the scene of several conflicts. The intaglio prints definitely made an impression in Art and have been numbered as editions; we move on to “Looking at Art” and art criticism. Enjoy your weekend.

Grade 7B

What a blessing it was to complete our work this week with windows open, sunshine streaming in through the windows and the sounds of Spring in the air. This week we put the final bow tie on the War of 1812 presentations. Look for our battlefields on display at the Open House on Friday! Next, we will turn our attention to the development of Upper Canada into the 1830s. In Geography we will begin to look at Renewable Resources and our culturally mandated responsibilities towards them. Mid-week next week students can expect their final Church History test of the year. On Friday, D.V., we hope to enjoy a trip to eastern Niagara to explore the 1812 battlefields at Beaver Dams, Lundy’s Lane, and Queenston Heights. Have a blessed weekend! On behalf of the Gr. 7B teachers, MJ

Grade 8

Thanks for joining us today! RT AL RV

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