General News
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour…, Luke 1:46b-47
Grade 8 is heading off to Ottawa on Monday. There has been much planning and anticipation. We wish them the LORD’s blessings on this week as they will be together as a JCCS class for a few more weeks before heading off to Guido. You are reminded that graduation will happen on June 24th at 6:30 in the Smithville church.
On Wednesday, June 12th we will have our last School Spirit Day of the year. The theme is sports and hobbies. We look forward to the creativity of the JCCS students as we enjoy this last day.
On Thursday we will have the last day for collection of Mission Money. Thank you to Mrs. Vanderee and her crew who ably worked through the collection of Mission Money for the year.
The students in Grades K-6 are preparing for our Play Day, planned for next week Friday, June 14. Please don’t forget to apply sunscreen to your child(ren), send along a labelled water bottle or two, and include a salty snack for the day; especially if it’s going to be sunny and hot. Since the Grade 8s will be in Ottawa, the Grade 7 students will be assisting the teachers at the events. The students and parents are looking forward to cupcakes and a hot dog lunch, which will once again be provided by the Ladies’ Auxiliary. Parents, there will also be coffee provided at first recess. Thank you very much in advance, ladies, for this special treat! The schedule can be found elsewhere in the Chronicle. You of course are cordially invited to attend.
An early heads-up is that the staff will be playing baseball against the grade 8 class on Tuesday, June 18 at 1:00. We invite you to watch staff win the game. ?
I believe that is all for the week! Wishing you a blessed weekend.
Week at a Glance
Monday – Grade 8 off to Ottawa
Wednesday – School Spirit – Sports or Hobbies
Thursday – Last day for Mission Money
Friday -Local Field Day
Need some JCCS clothing?
Year End trip reminder: $15 per student, $45 per family needs to be sent to the school office by Wednesday, June 12.
All students and volunteers must wear a JCCS t-shirt or a royal blue shirt. Volunteer cost: The cost for African Lion’s Safari is $25 and the cost for Bingeman’s is $22.50.
Play Day: The Ladies Auxiliary would like to remind you that a hot dog lunch will be provided for students and the community. Please come and join us for lunch!
For gluten free students/parents, please come and get your hot dog from the kitchen and bring your own buns. We will have some gluten free bread available for those students who forget.
Classroom News
In our Bible stories we have started to learn about the life of Jesus and the miracles that He has done. The students marveled at Jesus changing water into wine. They also were able to recognize the similarities between Jonah and Jesus as both were asleep on a boat during a storm. They were able to explain the difference between Jonah and Jesus in that Jesus calmed the storm and Jonah needed God to calm the storm. We will continue learning more about the miracles of Jesus next week. In math and Language Arts we will continue our review of what we have learned over the past 10 months. The students are doing very well demonstrating their knowledge. Here’s a look at next week’s events: Monday: KA; Tuesday: KB; Wednesday: KA/KB, Sports and Hobby dress up day; Thursday: no school for kindergarten; Friday: KA/KB, local play day. Have a great weekend everyone. JB
Grade 1
It was a short and busy week. The children are very interested in learning about Daniel and his three friends. They are seeing that it is the LORD who has a plan for each of these men as they live in a different country. These men were not shy to show their love for God. We were introduced to Kate in our new reader. It is amazing to see how far the children have come in their reading skills. In math we are learning about graphs, maps and coordinates. Our science class was closely connected to the map lesson as we learned about coding. Giving the ‘robot’ instructions to find out where items were placed on a map reminded us also of the game “Battleship”. We have become Van Gogh artists as we made a beautiful sunflower art project. Well done, grade 1! Mrs. Lof, our librarian, visited us in class and read us a few stories. Thank you for your wonderful visit, Mrs. Lof. Next Friday is the long awaited (and practised for) Local Field Day. We are looking forward to it.
Grade 2
This week, Grade 2 enjoyed a hot four-day week! For our classroom countdowns, we enjoyed a gum day, no shoes in the classroom, crazy socks, and some educational videos! This week in Science, we started our animal project! Each Grade 2 student is partnered up with a Grade 6 buddy, and they are researching an endangered animal together! Next week, we hope to take the information that we have found and put it all together on a big poster board. Next week, we are also looking forward to Field Day on Friday! We have been practicing for the different events in Phys. Ed. class. Have a great weekend! MB & BV
Grade 3
Here we are nearing the end of the school year already! It has been great to see the students’ excitement as we wrap up our work in some subjects and they are able to see what they have achieved! There will be one last school spirit day on Wednesday: come dressed up to celebrate your favourite sport or hobby. As we enter the second last week of school, we look forward to learning more about fractions in math and more about soils and plants in science. In Phys. Ed. we have been practicing some track and field events in anticipation of Play Day on Friday. See the agenda for spelling words. That’s all for now, JB/ KO
Grade 4
What a wonderful day we had celebrating Medieval Day yesterday! It was wonderful watching the students enter the gym in awe and wonder, and to see all the parents who were able to help. A grand time was had by all – gramercy!
Next week we have some busy events – do not forget about the French quiz on “Avoir” on Monday. This quiz determines if we will be having a pizza party on the last week of school, so study hard!
Friday is Field Day, so make sure that you bring lots of water and practice events that you are not sure about (triple jump is always tricky!). Keep up the hard work grade 4, and have a great weekend! 4B concluded Music class with a Recorder finale. Recorders were sent home today, please keep them safe as they will be needed again in Grade 5. There will be no Spelling Test next week, as we are practicing Spelling Bee strategies and procedure.
Monday: French Quiz (Avoir), PE (bring water)
Tuesday: Last Recorder #28 (4A)
Wednesday: PE (bring water)
Friday: Field Day
4A Devos: Jocoelyn (M), Tayson (T), Michaela (W), Mason (Th)
4B Devos: Maelle (T), Helayna (W), Kolten (Th)
Grade 5
Another week is complete and we are getting closer and closer to the end of the year. We are still working away and getting lots of things done! 5B wrapped up a unit on percentages and ratios today. Next week, both classes will be talking about Financial Literacy. 5B will be having a Church History quiz on Lesson 5, The Fall of Jerusalem, on Tuesday. We are wrapping up our cereal box book reports for our novel study. We look forward to Play Day on Friday. Make sure to wear sunscreen and bring lots of water!
Devotions for next week are as follows:
5A – M. Logan, Tu. Seth, W. Ashley, Th. Brooklynn
5B – M. Liam G., Tu. Liam H., W. Denver, Th. Jonathan, F. Sawyer
Have a blessed weekend! RK/KV
Grade 6
The students enjoyed working with the Grade 2 class helping them research an endangered animal. They will use this research to make a poster. We have been practicing for track and field and look forward to leading or running with the scores for the event next Friday. We looked closely at the process of translating a passage such as John 3:16 for the Wycliffe Bible translators. Have a blessed weekend. TB/CV
Grade 7A
The big event next week will be our Gr. 7 Class Trip to Niagara on Wednesday, June 12; more details to follow. This past Friday we were able to execute the track and field skills we learned at the T&F Tournament in Hamilton. In P.E. we’ll move on next to low order co-operative games outside. As we wrap up our study of personal finance we’ll discuss insurance, investing and identity theft. After this unit we’ll move on to coding. With the company heading towards the Lonely Mountain with the Misty Mountains behind them, it seems as if the rest of the novel, “There and Back Again” will be a walk in the park… Enjoy your weekend.
Grade 8
We are off to Ottawa! Have a great week! RT and AL