
School ProgramComments Off on Penmanship

Print script is taught and developed in the Primary grades (K-3), with cursive writing being introduced in Grade 2. This is formally taught through to the end of Grade 4, after which students are introduced to keyboarding.

While we continue to insist on students developing and maintaining a neat and legible cursive script, and insist on certain work being submitted in that style to ensure maintenance; in their regular daily work students are allowed to choose their preferred style. Whether that be print or cursive, the emphasis is on neatness and legibility.

A program for introducing students to the skills of keyboarding is in place in Grades 5&6 where formal instruction in this skill is given (the staff is currently in consideration to begin keyboarding in Grade 4). With the introduction of keyboarding, formal instruction in penmanship stops, although more practice is needed. Parents are encouraged to help their children keep up both of these skills as they go about their regular school work. Careful monitoring in the classroom helps the students keep up these skills as well.

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