Calvin Chronicle – Volume 19, Number 9

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General News

By the time you read this column, John Calvin School staff and students will have participated in our annual Remembrance Day assembly. This year, our guest speaker was Mrs. Karen Vanderhoeven who spoke to us about the experiences of her Grandfather during World War II in the Netherlands.

Normally the students and teachers from grades five through eight attend the services at the Smithville Legion. This year, however, all of the students attended the assembly since Remembrance Day falls on a Saturday. We hope to send at least two students (Eiliana Gansekoele and Jenna Dekker) and some teachers to the cenotaph services on Saturday, so that a wreath can be laid on behalf of our school. If at all possible, it would be nice if more students and their families would attend the service. Our presence has always been appreciated. We’ve always appreciated that the service includes prayers and hymns and scripture. It remains very important for the all of us to remember what has been done for us by those willing to fight for our freedoms. It also remains important to thank God for those freedoms and for those who were (and are) willing to risk everything to make sure that they aren’t taken away.

On Remembrance Day, we specifically remember those involved in the armed forces. Perhaps we should also regularly remember those involved in our government as well. At school, we often pray for our government and leaders. Increasingly they need much courage, strength and boldness to stem a tide of secularism which, potentially, can even hinder us in our work in Christian Schools.

Much activity continues to be evident in the school both in our regular classroom work and in extra-curricular activities. It looks like volleyball practices are in full swing after school. Several teachers have also been involved in attending conferences and various extra meetings. Mr. Hofsink spent two days this week as part of a school evaluation team in another school.

If you haven’t already had an opportunity to look at the great Art work on the walls around the school, try to make an opportunity to do so.

Students will be bringing home progress reports this afternoon. Please make sure to read them. Parent Teacher Conferences have been scheduled for all parents for either Tuesday or Thursday evening. Please make every effort to attend. The schedule will be emailed to you. It’s good for teachers and parents to meet, especially for teachers and parents who are new to our school community. If you aren’t able to make your scheduled time, please let the school know. Your timeslot can perhaps be used to give another parent additional interview time.

Please don’t forget to send contributions for the various theme baskets to be auctioned at Winterfest on Saturday. This event is a fundraiser for the school to be sure. However, it is a great highlight in the lives of most of the children in John Calvin School. There has already been a lot of chatter about what they are planning to do or allowed to do on Winterfest day. So for the ladies and gentlemen who organize Winterfest and volunteer to serve on the day, THANK-YOU from the students and staff of John Calvin School.

If anyone would like a copy of the “Voice of Praise” Spring Concert in which the JCS Choir participated, CDs will be available in the office for $10 each.                         AJB

Classroom News


We will start out with 2 requests:

1) We would love to have more dinky cars. Not the flimsy Dollar Store kind, but Matchbox or Hot Wheels ones. Does anyone have some for us?

2) We would love a sturdy, wooden stepping bench for the boys’ bathroom so that all of the boys can reach the water AND the soap. Please contact Mrs. Van Iperen at if you can make us one, and she will give you the exact measurements.

Next week we will be learning about Joseph in Egypt. What a terrible thing to be sold by your own brothers, and yet God had a special plan in mind! In Math, we will begin a new chapter, focusing on the numbers 0-5. In Language, we will focus on the letter Hh, the sight word “like”, and the colour word “green”. Did you know that we can already read short sentences?! We have also been working on zipping up our own zippers before we go out for recess. We all want to be in the new Zipper Club! Our new memory work is Psalm 93:1. We are also looking forward to skating soon! The dates for our classes are November 22 (KB) and 29 (KA) from 1:15 to 2:15. Children must wear helmets. Your child should also have come home with their first report card! Please return the signed envelope next week. We look forward to speaking with you at the parent-teacher conferences next week! NR & FVI


Grade 1

We have had another busy week of learning in Grade One. We will wrap up our Senses unit with a test on Thursday. The students have really enjoyed this unit and had lots to tell you about all the activities we did during this unit. In the next Science unit we will be investigating living things. We are adding and subtracting and learning about number facts in Math. The students should have brought a Bible test home by now. In our next Bible unit we will see how God delivers His people in Egypt. We have finished our reader this week and have sent home a copy with your child. Please encourage them to read it to you. They will love to show you how much they have learned. Please label all outdoor wear that your child brings to school as they don’t always recognize their mittens, hats etc. Thanks for all the donations to our ‘boy’ basket. Have a good weekend and a blessed Sunday.

Memory Work for Friday, November 24: Hymn 54:1; Ruth 1: 16,17a

Spelling words: by, had, one, or, word


Grade 2

This week in our Bible stories the students learned the importance of putting their trust in God. We learned that he is our Saviour and the giver of eternal life. In Science we continued to study the food groups and how food is a good gift from God. Being a gift, we realized that we should never complain about what is set before us. We tested our math facts this past week and we will be adding new facts next week. Please remember to return the bags to school every day! The progress reports are coming today and we look forward to discussing your child’s progress next week. See you then, and have a great weekend! RG/ JA

Spelling: of, crashes, played, when, has

Memory work: Psalm 42:3, Micah 5:2


Grade 3

Hello again! Another busy and eventful week has passed. Grade 3A could enjoy several lessons taught by Miss V. VanRaalte! Guess what? We are writing stories using LEGO! Ask us all about it! We look forward to having more lessons next week! In our gym classes we are busy with soccer skills and soccer games as well. On the whole, grade three plays fairly together and encourages each other to have fun. Good to see, girls and boys! What are cool colours? Ask us about the ocean scene we are working on for our next couple of art classes. Continue to practice your math facts grade three, and do your drills. Thanks! Did you know that our secretary, Mrs. Elgersma is a fantastic story teller as well? Thanks for reading to us those cool stories! On Friday, we remembered those who died in the many wars both past and present. Mrs. Karen VanderHoeven told us the story of Grandpa Kamstra who experienced the turmoil of war. Thank you for sharing your story with the whole school. WE WILL REMEMBER THEM! Have a blessed weekend! J.B./M.P.

Psalm 34:1; Text: Proverbs 3:9, 10

Words: beautiful, before, discover, enough


Grade 4

Grade 4A (Miss Hoeksema’s class) Bible Test from 1 Samuel 16-31 on Tuesday November 14.

Grade 4 (both)

Wednesday: Science Test on the digestive system and how you care for it. (Lesson 1,2,3)

Thursday: Math Test on subtraction unit.

Spelling Words: dream, rest, please, friend, they, sleeping, chief, creek, piece, meet, believe, teach, yard, leave

Memory Work: Psalm 56: 1 (November 17) Psalm 60:1 (November 23) Isaiah 9:6-7 (November 23)


Grade 5

We have been busy with our Roman soldier projects, and we had some incredible results from them. We have done all of our presentations, and are now displaying the projects one by one so everyone has a chance to admire them. We are wrapping up Call it Courage and will be working on our final projects for that next week. Please send along Styrofoam trays to school – the bigger, the better! We will be using them for an Art project. If your child has not brought their recorder to school yet, please make sure that happens ASAP. Have a great weekend and a blessed Sunday. SO & KV

Memory Work: Psalm 57:1, 5

Devotions: 5A: M. Carter, T. Dane, W. Josiah, Th. Aiden, F. Damon

5B: M. Kathryn, T. Janaye, W. Jaxon, Th. Kara, F. Jonas


Grade 6

During Bible class the students found out why Lamech called his son Noah, how long they were on the ark, and what changed after the flood. In our novel study we discovered that it was easier for Annemarie to be brave when she didn’t know all the details. The students also wrote a letter to Papa using code language. In math 6A faced the challenge of exponents and scientific notation and were successful. Way to go! Next week we will need to know some countries and waterways of North and South America as well as some terms. We will also welcome Mrs. deVisser back and thank Mrs. Bos for helping out these past 2 weeks. It’s always great when former partners come back to help me! Have a blessed weekend.


Grade 7A

We’ve started a number of projects in 7A this past week. In Science we’re in groups of three constructing popsicle stick bridges; currently we’ve just wrapped up the design process using Google Drawings. In History we’re going to move quickly through Chapter 4, “Everyday Life in New France”, and combine Chapters 3&4 together for a project. Students will be able to choose one of three possible culminating activities. Church History includes Gutenberg’s invention and the spread of Dr. Luther’s theology throughout Europe. Please remember that Anchor Work Day money is due Monday, November 13. Enjoy your weekend.

Grade 7B

After another busy week in Grade 7B, we continue to move along very nicely through the school year. We have begun our Church history unit on Martin Luther and are looking at how the LORD gathers, defends, and preserves his church throughout the time of the Reformation. We continue with our Public Speaking unit in Language Arts where we are working on making persuasive, expository, inspiring, or entertaining speeches. In Geography we are looking at climate and specifically making and analyzing climate graphs. Devotions – Jordana N. Please remember to send the signed envelope back to school from the progress reports. Have a great weekend!


Grade 8A

As you read this, Progress Reports have been sent home. Each student was given an opportunity to chat with me about the comments and we have set some goals for the rest of Term 1. This week also involved a lot of discussion about our behaviour, maturity, and being willing to improve. This is the third month of the year. We need to have self-control. We need to respect our peers. We need to listen to our peers, without interruptions! This all resulted in challenge that I issued to the students. I encourage you to talk with your child to hear their perspective about these discussions. Next week will see another Geography Quiz, Math Test, and probably a Bible Quiz. Have a blessed weekend. Cheers, Mr. J


Grade 8B

Good afternoon, this coming week Gr 8B has a Math Test. History presentations will continue, and we will just be generally busy as we are every week. I hope you stay warm and have a blessed weekend. Greetings KG

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