Volume 25, Number 04, September 29, 2023

General News

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour…, Luke 1:46b-47

We are already turning the calendar to October for next week. How time flies! We are thankful that the Lord has been with us throughout the first month of the school year. 

Mr. Van Iperen has been away this week at the National Principals’ Conference in BC. We trust that he learned a lot and enjoyed his time away, and we are thankful that, overall, things ran smoothly in his absence. We certainly had a full week, with a fun morning with the Greijdanus choir on Tuesday, Bus Safety Drills on Wednesday, and our first Early Years Morning for the school year on Thursday, as well as the regular school activities each day. 

Tomorrow, the annual soccer tournament will take place at Southward Park. The schedule and map of the fields are here. Come on out and cheer the teams on if you are able! There will also be a concession stand to fundraise for the Grade 8 year end trip. 

On the topic of grade 8 trip fundraisers, please send your soup veggie orders to the office or contact one of the ladies listed on the order form by Tuesday, Oct. 3.

The West Lincoln Community Care Fall Food Drive will wrap up at the end of this week. The students are encouraged to bring in nonperishable items to share with those who are less fortunate. The buckets still have lots of room to put more items in! 

Each classroom has a basket to fill for the online auction at Fall Fest to be a success. The items (or a toonie) for the baskets are due on Friday, Oct. 6. We know there are lots of things to give for right now, but thank you for your help in making these baskets a success! 

The office is still missing a number of medical forms. If you have not sent in your form this year, please do so ASAP. If you are in need of a new form or aren’t sure if you have handed yours in, please let the office know. 

We are hoping to wrap up our chocolate bar fundraiser within the next week. If your child has not yet returned the money for the box they took home, please get that in as soon as possible. 

Photo proofs have arrived and should have gone home with your child today. Instructions are included on them for how to view and order pictures. Orders are due online by Oct. 9. New this year –you will receive free access to a high-resolution file of your child’s class picture. You can decide if you wish to print it or not. The flyer for the class pictures will be arriving shortly.

Several Gr. 7/8 students will also be participating in the annual cross country run at Dundas Valley Conservation Area on Friday, Oct. 6. 

Also on Friday, Oct. 6, we will have a Thanksgiving Assembly in the gym. It will be in the afternoon, but the exact time is still TBD. All are welcome! 

May the Lord bless our work and help us to magnify Him in the week to come. KV 

This week: 

Monday – Ed. Com. Meeting

Tuesday – Soup veggie order forms due 

Friday – Gr. 7/8 Cross Country Run at Dundas Valley; Thanksgiving Assembly pm; Fall Fest Theme Basket items due 

Saturday – Mrs. Jonker’s birthday

Classroom News


On Tuesday the KB class could enjoy the singing from the Greijdanus choir. Thank you so much Greijdanus choir for teaching us how a conductor communicates to the choir as well as teaching us how to use our hands and bodies as instruments. On Wednesday all kindergarten students participated in a bus safety drill. Thank you to the bus drivers as well as the transportation committee for arranging this drill. It is very helpful to know what to do in the case of an emergency. We continue to learn all about lines and the correct pencil hold. Parents, please spend some time at home practicing the tripod hold. I have attached a picture of the correct pencil hold for your reference on the Google Classroom. For a craft that we are planning on doing next week, we need some newspapers and flyers. If you could please send some to school, that would be greatly appreciated. Also don’t forget to send something for the Food Drive as well as the Fall Fest theme basket. Here’s a look at next week:

Monday – Special helper – Logan Br

Tuesday – Special helper – Carson

Wednesday – Pumpkin patch trip

Thursday – Special helper – Serayah

Friday – Special helper – Leo 

Grade 1

Grade One was off to the Safety Village today! What a fantastic way to complete our Social Studies unit. The students enjoyed the activities practicing all that they learned! Thank you, Mrs.VanLuik for driving us there!  Next week, we will begin our first Science unit in Living Things. It’s looking to be a big unit with lots of interesting topics to cover! In Bible classes we completed another unit with our second test. We prepare for these tests in class, and do not send home the students’ notes for studying.  We also look forward to beginning our CKLA program (Core Knowledge Language Arts). It’s an exciting time for the students to begin the process of turning their letter and sound knowledge into reading skills. 

That’s all for this week! Have a great weekend! 

Grade 2

Wow, just like that the first month of school is over! We have been very busy in Grade 2 learning about muscles in Science, painting cityscapes for Art, and starting a Math unit on addition strategies. This week we enjoyed listening, singing, and clapping with the Greijdanus choir! The students have been enjoying the new Ga-ga ball game as well at recess and in Phys. Ed class. Please continue to bring in your non-perishable food items for the food drive, we would love to see the bins overflowing! Have a great weekend and a blessed Sunday! MB & BV

Grade 3

Hello again! The students did well on the Church History Quiz of John Eliot!  We now turn our attention to the Bible stories of Genesis.  Who is Sarah, Plain and Tall?  Ask us all about the characters, problems, and setting of this award-winning novel! Math continues to entertain us with BIG numbers!  Ask us all about it! Lines, lines, lines! If you are in the school, please check out our cool artwork in our hallway!!! In our Social Studies unit, we continue to learn about the pioneers and their way of life.  Just a heads up that we hope to have a class trip to the Jordan School House on Tuesday, October 24.  And yes…the students will be dressing up as pioneer boys and girls!  Can’t wait!  More details to come!  Just a reminder for the parents.  Please write a note in your child’s agenda if there are alternate arrangements for end of the day bussing.  Thank you. That’s it for now.

Memory Work:  Hymn 53:2

Text:  Genesis 3:15 (two weeks)

Spelling Dictation Words:  again, because, could, favourite, have, into, off people, said, they, until, very, want, who

Memory Work, Spelling Dictation, and Mission $ on Friday.

Fall Food Drive

Fallfest Baking Basket items.

Grade 4

We have already completed our first month of Grade 4, and are enjoying the beauty of autumn. We are continuing to finish up our first units in many subjects with various tests and assignments. In Bible class we are learning about King David. We are wrapping up our Science unit this week on rocks and minerals with a unit test, and have begun a new unit in Math on addition. We look forward to seeing many of you at our Thanksgiving assembly on Friday afternoon. Grade 4 is singing a special song.
As the days are getting chillier, please make sure your child has a jacket or sweater to wear, especially in the morning.
Don’t forget about Food Drive donations! Grade 4 was responsible for designing and creating posters. Great work!

Mrs. VA & Mrs. T
Wednesday: Science Unit 1 Test (4B)
Thursday: Library; Science Unit 1 Test (4A)
Friday: Spelling Test; Hymn 13:1; Bring mission money; Food Drive last day
Spelling Words: alive, bikes, kids, drive, tie, seat, till, tied, life, cried, went, wide, die, hike

Grade 5

As we hit the end of the first month in school, that also means that we will be wrapping up a number of things next week! Grade 5B will be finishing the first part of their unit on Ancient Rome, and will be having a test on Friday on everything that comes before the army pages. Both classes are finishing/have just finished Theme 1 in World of Literature, and will be moving on to Theme 2, which is called “North American Voices”. We will talk about what kinds of people and groups make up North America. We are also both starting Chapter 2 in Math, which is about adding and subtracting with whole numbers and decimals. Grade 5B will have a French quiz on Thursday on everything up to and including p. 12 of the review package. 

Devotions for next week are as follows: 

5A – M. Brooklynn, Tu. Matthew, W. Mitchell, Th. Peter, F. Dylan

5B – M. Ezra, Tu. Cason, W. Mark, Th. Emma, F. Evan

Have a wonderful weekend! RK/KV

Grade 6

We had a busy week with a variety of different things happening. The Dutch choir entertained us on Tuesday with their interactive audience participation. On Wednesday the students had their bus evacuation drills. Then on Thursday Gr.6A set up the toys and activities for the Early Years Group and Gr.6B cleaned up after the morning was finished. This service will be continued throughout the year by the students in grade 6. We also take care of the compost and recycling for the school with 6A the first 5 months and 6B the second half of the year. The students also really enjoyed the new game that some volunteers set up for them. Have you heard about Ga-Ga ball? The students are reminded to bring in food drive items, chocolate bar money, and a donation for the soup basket for Fall Fest. Have a blessed weekend. TB/CVA

Grade 7A

Our focus in History has turned to the fur trade industry and missionaries in New France. We’ll learn about the anti-reformation origins of the “Society of Jesus” and their task of spreading Roman Catholicism throughout the world. The force was with us as we learned about newtons and thrust lines in science. We’ll head to the beach next week Thursday as we construct our watersheds at Wainfleet Public Beach; surfs up! Enjoy your weekend.   

Grade 7B

This week, we continued our Short Stories unit with ‘Stolen Day’, a story about a boy who wants to be sick, thinks about it all day, until he really becomes sick! In History, Samuel De Champlain has established the first permanent Canadian settlement at Kebec. Ask your child what the name really means! In Geography we are busy designing our own watershed systems in preparation for construction next week. Of course, this Saturday is the Soccer Tournament and on many people’s radar. Have a blessed weekend! On behalf of the 7B teachers, Mr. J

Grade 8

There has been plenty of work due over the past few days and a few tests/quizzes. Looking forward to next week, students have a Bible Test on the Intertestamentary Period (with a focus on God’s providence in times of silence) on Tuesday and a Geography Test on Thursday. The following week, students can expect a test in History as well. Count on a French Quiz Wednesday and Friday as well. Students wrote a Science Test today, so feel free to ask how it went. Next week, there will be some work time on cell models as well. Please make sure building materials are brought in for Monday. In writing, we will be starting a unit on professional writing aka the 5 paragraph essay this week. Have a great soccer tournament this Saturday! AL and RT 

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