Volume 26, Number 35, May 31, 2024

General News

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour…, Luke 1:46b-47

We are marching into the last month of the school year.   These are beautiful long days and are being enjoyed by the students as well as staff.   The Gaga ball pit is getting its full use and we have many students enjoying the fields for soccer, track, and baseball.  Speaking of baseball, the tournament was canceled on Saturday due to rain and has been rescheduled for this Tuesday.  We thank students and coaches for their flexibility in making this all work.

It is also that time of year when we think about the annual year-end class trips.  On June 19th, K-3 hopes to go to African Lion Safari and grades 4 – 6 will head over to Bingemans.  Those who would like to go on the class trips are requested to contact the office to be added to the list. Please do so by June 7. Please do not contact the teachers. The protocol is attached. If you are going on the trip you will have to pay your fare. The cost for African Lion’s Safari is $25 and the cost for Bingeman’s is $22.50.   This year because our fundraising did not pay for all of our trips we are asking for $15 per student to a maximum of $45 per family to facilitate these trips.

On the note of the trips please note that students are required to wear their JCCS t-shirts.  If you don’t have one, please contact the office.  Chaperones will be required to wear these t-shirts as well.  We have these at the office.    Please ensure that your swimwear is modest.   We hope to leave the school at 8:15 and return to the school at 4:00.   A message will go out to families when the buses arrive so that you can pick up your children to bring them home.

This coming week we have several items of interest.   On Monday we have a PD Day where we will be working on a number of things including getting ready for year end reports.    It is also the last week to take out library books.  Grade 7 & 8 will be healing out for the Regional Track Meet in Hamilton on Friday.  We wish them well.

We have several birthdays to celebrate as well.  On Tuesday Miss Aalbers hopes to celebrate her birthday.   We wish her an enjoyable day and God’s blessings in the upcoming year.   We also wish Mr. Jongsma a happy birthday on June 6th.  May God strengthen and provide for him in the coming year.

We are always on the lookout for volunteers.  If you would like to volunteer time next year in the Learning Resource Department, we welcome your interest.  Please contact either myself or Ms. Stoffels about this opportunity.

I believe that is all for this week!  Wishing you God’s continued blessings in your tasks


Week at a Glance

Monday – PD Day – No School

Tuesday – Miss Aalber’s Birthday

Wednesday – Volunteer Luncheon

Thursday – Mr. Jongsma’s Birthday

Friday -Grade ⅞ – Track Meet

Classroom News


It was an exciting week in kindergarten. On Thursday and Friday the students had to solve the mystery of the missing macaw. The students were presented with a box covered in locks all because Marla the macaw, Miss Jes’ stuffed animal, went missing. Together they solved all the clues and went to the office to solve the mystery. Marla the macaw has been returned to her rightful owner. On Wednesday Mrs. VandenOever, Mrs. Vis and Mrs. Visser welcomed the new kindergarten students to JCCS. From all accounts it was an excellent day. We have started doing an extensive review of all the concepts that the students have learned in kindergarten and so far, they are doing a remarkable job remembering all of these concepts. We have also finished special helper for the year and show and tell. Thanks so much for your assistance for show and tell. Next week will be a regular week for the students with Wednesday as the final library day! Have a good weekend everyone. JB

Grade 1

Grade 1 is certainly beginning to feel that the year is winding down. We’ve completed our phonics books, we finished another Language Arts unit, and we are coming to the last few lessons in our science unit as well. In Bible, we heard about the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile into Babylon. Next week, the students will hear about Daniel. We will also begin another unit in Language Arts called, “Kate’s book”. One of the skills we will begin learning is to double the consonant at the end of a short vowel word when adding an ending. This can be tough to learn, but we’re confident that the students are up for a challenge! This week we had our last library class, and we were spoiled by Mrs. Lof with beautifully decorated sugar cookies. Thank you, Mrs. Lof! Library books can be returned at any time in the next two weeks. Have a wonderful weekend. 

Grade 2

This week we’ve enjoyed some more countdown activities in grade 2, as we count down to the last day of school! We had an energy day where we watched videos throughout the day for brain breaks, we had a joke day, an under-the-desk-day, bring-your-stuffy-day, and an art attack day! The students are excited to see what next week’s activities will be! We are still making our way through our last reading unit on Sir Gus. Since our Bible unit about Paul has come to an end, we look forward to our study of Ephesians. A reminder that next Tuesday will be our last visit to the library here. Please make sure to look for any missing books at this time. If you have any outstanding math facts, please return them as well. Have a great long weekend and a blessed Sunday! BV&MB 

Grade 3

Another week flew by!  Where does the time go? We are enjoying the stories of Athanasius.  Ask your child how the Lord used him to defend the truth of the Trinity.   Our unit of Geometry has come and gone.  Next week we hope to tackle fractions! What is found in soils?  We investigated the many different types of soils and thank God for providing us with soils. We enjoyed the “Everything, But a Backpack” day on Wednesday!  The students were very creative! On Tuesday, we were entertained by the Guido Band!  A wonderful variety of music was shared with us!  Thank you, Mr. Kingma!!!! That’s it for now. Have a blessed weekend.

Memory Work:  Hymn 82:1

Text:  Psalm 32:1,2

See spelling words in our agendas.

Grade 4

We are now into the last few weeks of school and there is lots of excitement and extra activities planned! First up is Medieval Day next week! It’s sure to be an experience for the students and we can’t wait to see everyone in their costumes! French students in both classes were promised a pizza party on the condition that the next two quizzes are done well. The quiz this week was excellent! We will have our last practice for “avoir: to have” on Wednesday – please practice these conjugations throughout the week to memorize them!

Mon: PD Day
Tues: Social Studies Quest (4A)
Wed: PE, French Practice: Avoir (J’ai; Tu as; Il/elle a; Nous avons; Vous avez: Ils/Elles ont);
Thurs: Medieval Day!
Fri: MW, Mission $, Spelling Test; Recorder Songs 25, 27, 28 (4A)
Devos (4B): Eli (T). Emma (W), Harper (F)
Devos (4A): Emmaline (T); Micah (W); Oliver (F)
4B Spelling words: acquire, mercilessly, treason, innocent, restore, reign, appoint, sulk, assassination, pilgrim
4A Spelling Words: invisible, jewels, giant, somebody, idea, scamp, closet, noise, princess, lonely, shut, suddenly, surprised, owned, period

Grade 5

We continue to learn how the gospel spread from the people of Israel to its surrounding nations in the New Testament Church. In Phys. Ed. class, the students are making progress with the tricky triple jump! We encourage the students to continue practicing… hop, skip, jump! The Investigating Space unit should be finished soon, and we will begin a new unit on Forces and Motion. Students are enjoying “Mystery at Cranberry Farms” and will begin a unique book report when the reading is complete. Devotions for the week are as follows: 5A – Nadia (Tu), Logan W), Seth (Th), Ashley (F). 5B – Corban (Tu), Micah (W), Meghan (Th), Robby (F). Have a great weekend! RK/KVL

Grade 6

A variety of things happened again during our last full week of in class learning. The musical talents of the Guido band was enjoyed by all. Bringing to school anything but a backpack saw some very creative ideas. There were wheelbarrows, suitcases, and even a pizza box! We look forward to helping the Gr. 2 class research an endangered animal starting next week. Gr.6A has started a new novel, Island of the Blue Dolphins which will tie in nicely with our study of the aboriginals. Have a blessed weekend. TB/CV

Grade 7A

What should Governor General Lord Elgin do? Should he follow the advice of the Assembly majority and sign the Rebellion Losse Bill? That might mean a reward for those who rebelled. If he doesn’t sign the Bill there might be further rebellion in Canda West and East. Stay tuned next week for his decision… What makes materials dissolve and how has the LORD blessed us with hard and soft water? We’ll answer those questions next week in Science. In Math we’ll learn about investing, identity theft and how insurance is like a shield to protect you. Next week we’ll learn why our school is named after John Calvin. Enjoy your weekend. 

Grade 7B

So ends our last ‘full’ week of the school year. With field trips and tournaments on the immediate horizon we quickly are approaching the end of the year. Each week feeling fuller and busier than the last. We are thankful to have been brought this far by our Father’s hand and we seek His blessing on the weeks that remain. Next week will be an upside down sort of week. There is a PD day on Monday, the rescheduled Baseball tournament on Tuesday and the Track and Field Meet on Friday. In between that we hope to continue our study of the Hobbit as the Bible and his fellow adventurers creep closer to the lonely mountain. Have a wonderful weekend. Cheers, Mr. J

Grade 8

It is a short week ahead! We look forward to having a fun and productive Ottawa prep day on Tuesday while the majority of the class is gone for the baseball tournament. There will be some finishing up of end of the year projects for various classes, and we hope to do some fun writing assignments to finish off the year. Have a great extended weekend! RT, AL and RV

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